
  • Enny Dwi Oktaviyani Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Sherly Christina Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Agry Nugraha Universitas Palangka Raya



Expert System, BayesTheorem, Forward Chaining, Parasites, Dog


The issue addressed in this research is how to design and build an expert system
which capable of diagnosing dog diseases that are caused by parasites, and how this expert
system later can be useful for dog owners.
This expert system is developed based on website technology in order to ease the
accessibility for the users. The finished product is expected to become useful for dog owners,
to help them diagnose their dog disease based on the symptoms in order to give the proper
treatment. The software development methodology used to develop this expert system is the
Waterfall methodology, while the design is done using Unified Modeling Language (UML).
The programming language used to build the expert system is PHP for the logic and MySQL
for the database, and the finished product is then tested using black box testing method. To
test system accuracy, disease diagnosis results from the expert system is then compared with
diagnosis results from the real human expert (veterinarian).
This expert system is using forward chaining method and Bayes theorem. The forward
chaining concept, in this system, starting with the symptoms that are set into a reasoning and
rules to reach some conclusions which in this case are the possible diseases. While the Bayes
theorem is used to draw a conclusion from the possible diseases by calculating the probability
of what kind of disease suffered based on the symptoms, and the weight of the probability
itself. This expert system, however, still can be developed not only to diagnose diseases that
are caused by parasites, but also to diagnose all kind of dog diseases.


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