Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
<div style="border: 3px #779635 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #eef6fc; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: <a href="http://https//e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/JK">Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya</a></li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: JKUPR</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: April dan Oktober</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2723-5890">2355-0015</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2723-5890">2723-5890</a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: Arif Rahman Jabal, S.Si, M.Si</li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: <a href="https://e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/JK/issue/view/188">10.37304/jkupr</a></li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><a title="Cover" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NpUWHD3riw1j2azkOx73fAbjFPk2Zq1d/view?usp=sharing"><img style="margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 15px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px gray; float: left;" src="https://e-journal.upr.ac.id/public/site/images/jabalar/sampul-jkupr-lebih-kecil.jpg" alt="" width="111" height="157" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya dengan scope kesehatan dan kedokteran memuat original article dan review article baik dalam bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Terbitan 2 kali setahun setiap april dan oktober. Sudah memiliki P-ISSN 2355-0015 dan E-ISSN 2723-5890. Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya sudah terindeks SINTA 5 sesuai nomor 225/E/KPT/2022 terhitung 2020 sampai 2024.</p> <div> </div>Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Palangka Rayaen-USJurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya2355-0015Uji efektivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun kayu hitam (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Salmonella typhi
<p><em>Diospyros celebica leaf extract can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi bacteria. This research aims to determine the ability of D. celebica leaf extract to inhibit the growth of S. aureus and S. typhi bacteria. S. aureus and S. typhi were grown in NA media and then given leaf extract with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% using the well method. 2% chloramphenicol added to the bacterial growth medium was used as a control. The results showed that the leaf extract from D. celebica has a strong inhibitory power to inhibit the growth of S. aureus and S. typhi bacteria.</em></p>Musjaya M. GuliNabila PriyandiniOrryani LambuiMuh.Akbar ArdiputraAgnes Immanuela Toemon
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-06-032024-06-0312110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.13189Perbandingan metode titrasi asidi-alkalimetri dan titrasi iodometri dalam menganalisis kadar formalin pada sampel tahu
<p>This study aimed to compare two titration method (acid-base titration and iodimetri) in analyze formaldehyde at sample tofu in Gondang legi sub-district, Malang District. The research used a experimental method with added variation concentration formaldehyde in tofu filtrate. Tofu filtrate with formaldehyde then be titrated with acid-base and iodimetri method. Acid-base titration used Phenolphtalein (PP) indicator and Iodimetri titration used amylum indicator. The results of study the higher the concentration of formaldehyde the volume of titration. Titration used Iodimetri method not recommended because redox reaction at iodimetri is a slow and inaccurate reaction.</p> <p> </p>Edi SuriamanRosalinda Avia EryatmaMa’rufahSiti Zulaikah Ika Wuri Mahdiasanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-05-092024-05-0912110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.12872Isolasi bakteri asam laktat asal feses bayi dan potensinya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli
<p><em>L</em><em>actic acid bacteria (</em><em>LAB</em><em>) play an important role in improving performance and mitigating disease because of their ability to maintain the physiological balance of the gastrointestinal tract and resistance to pathogenic bacteria. </em><em>LAB</em><em> is one of the bacteria found in the digestive tract. </em><em>LAB </em><em>must be isolated from their hosts to increase their efficiency as probiotic ingredients. This study aims to obtain local isolates of </em><em>LAB</em> <em>a</em><em> from baby feces through phenotypic identification</em><em> and antibacterial test</em><em>. The sample used in the research was the feces of babies aged 1-6 months </em><em>that</em><em> patients </em><em>from</em><em> Mataram University Hospital. Isolation was carried out by growing bacteria from feces using the Total Plate Count method on MRSA media</em><em> plus </em><em>CaCO<sub>3</sub>. Phenotypic characterization</em><em> is</em><em> morphology</em><em> test</em><em>, gram stain and biochemical tests</em><em>. </em><em>Th</em><em>e</em><em> results of bacterial isolation obtained 8 isolates of </em><em>LAB</em>. <em>LAB </em><em>produced a clear zone in the MRSA media, because these bacteria were able to secrete acid in the</em><em> MRSA. </em><em>The results of gram staining show that all isolates are gram positive bacteria. Based on the morphology of LAB</em><em> had characteristic </em><em>6 isolates of cocci and 2 isolates of bacilli</em><em>. </em><em>All isolates </em><em>was</em><em> able to produce an inhibition zone against E.</em> <em>coli with 3 isolates in the moderate category and 5 isolates in the weak category</em><em>. The best inhibition zone in the medium category is for cocci-shaped bacteria.</em><em>The existence of LAB isolates from baby feces can be used as a reference source for further research on probiotics such as </em><em>other </em><em>antibacterial </em><em>test</em></p>Nurmi HasbiRosyunitaAdelia Riezka RahimRahmah Dara AyundaWayan Sulaksmana Sandhi ParwataAfif FarrasAl Fikar RaihanMuhammad Azim Billah
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-05-092024-05-0912110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.12852Karakteristik luka pada pengendara motor korban meninggal akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang terpapar alkohol di Yogyakarta tahun 2015-2019
<p><em>High alcohol consumption in Indonesia results in increasing traffic accidents yearly. Motorbike riders and results in various degrees of injuries and result to death. This study aims to determine the differences of injuries patterns in death victims as a result of traffic accidents caused by alcohol consumption and non-consumption of alcohol among motorbike riders. This research is descriptive with secondary data from visum et repertum of traffic accident fatalities in 2015-2019 at the Forensic Medicine Installation at Dr. RSUP. Sardjito. Subjects were categorized as alcohol and non-alcohol drinkers. There were 144 cases of death among motorcyclists with 114 non-alcoholic and 30 alcoholic cases with gender, age, worker status, also number, location and pattern of injuries. It can be concluded that the victims were predominantly adult men (18-65 years). The body locations most frequently injured are the head and extremities. The wound most often experienced by victims is the vulnus excoriatum.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Traffic accidents, death, alcohol, influence of alcohol, description</em></p>Dewanto Yusuf PriyambodoIsna Izzati YumnaMartiana Suciningtyas Tri ArtantiHendro Widagdo
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-05-222024-05-2212110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.12217Efektivitas ekstrak buah senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum l.) sebagai pewarna apusan darah tepi
<p>Blood comes from the Greek words <em>hemato, hemo</em>, and <em>haima</em>. Blood has an important role in human life. One of the examinations for diagnosing disease is a peripheral blood smear. The smear method is a microtechnical method used to make preparations. Guaranteeing the quality of the examination of blood smears is the quality of the coloring of peripheral blood smears. Giemsa dye is the most commonly used for peripheral blood smears. Giemsa contains chemicals including methylene blue, azur, and eosin. Methylene azur and eosin provide color in the cell nucleus, as does methylene blue, a cytoplasmic dye. Giemsa is not environmentally friendly and has quite high prices. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of senduduk fruit extract with concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% as an alternative to Giemsa staining in peripheral blood smears. The research method is descriptive-qualitative with a true experimental research design. The extract was made using the maceration extraction method, using a rotary evaporator as a means of concentrating the senduduk extract. In research that has been carried out at each concentration used, the morphology of erythrocytes is very clear. At a concentration of 100%, platelets are clearly visible. The single extract at concentrations of 40%, 60%, and 80% of the cytoplasm still appeared colored. Meanwhile, leukocyte granules were not stained at all concentrations. The most optimal coloring for senduduk fruit extract is coloring at a concentration of 80%, which is quite good at coloring red blood cells and platelets. A concentration of 100% has a clear morphology of blood cells and platelets that can be differentiated from the others</p>Iqlila RomaidhaMega Silvia MadaniLarantika HidayatiRima Agnes Widya Astuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-05-152024-05-1512110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.12879Aktivitas antibakteri propolis madu putih sumbawa terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli
<p><em>Silent pandemic is a health issue related to antimicrobial resistance. Currently, deaths due to antimicrobial resistance in the world reach 700 thousand people per year and it is predicted that by 2050 it could reach 10 million people. So exploring new alternative sources is a must. One ingredient that is often used as an infection medicine and health supplement is honey propolis. Sumbawa white honey propolis is a biological product that has not yet been widely explored for its potential as an antibacterial. The research aims to determine the phytochemical content and antibacterial potential of Sumbawa white honey propolis against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherchia coli. This research is a true experiment research with a post-test only control group design. Propolis is extracted by maceration with propylene glycol as a solvent. The concentrations of propolis extract used are 100%, 75% and 50%. Chloramphenicol positive control and 10% DMSO negative control. The antibacterial test was detected in five replications on Mueller Hinton Agar media using the disk diffusion method by measuring the diameter of the inhibition zone. Data were analyzed statistically using the OneWay Anova test. Sumbawa white honey propolis contains flavonoids, tannins and triterpenoids. The results showed that propolis was unable to inhibit gram-negative E. coli bacteria with an inhibition zone diameter of 0 mm. Different results in gram positives, Sumbawa white honey propolis was able to inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis and S. aureus. The results showed that propolis was unable to inhibit gram-negative E. coli bacteria with an inhibition zone diameter of 0 mm. Different results in gram positives, Sumbawa white honey propolis was able to inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis and S. aureus. However, Sumbawa white honey propolis against both gram-positive bacteria was in the weak category compared to the positive control. This is because all the Sumbawa white honey propolis concentration series have an inhibitory zone diameter of ≤ 5 mm.</em></p>Eustachius Hagni WardoyoRosyunitaAdelia Riezka RahimIda Ayu ArnawatiSaskia Safarina HazaLale Nandhita HulfifaAbiel Dwi Cahya Firdaus AlamsyahI Komang Satya ValidikaNurmi Hasbi
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-06-022024-06-02121Hubungan intensitas kebisingan terhadap stres kerja pada pekerja di PT. X dan Y Palu
<p><em>High-intensity noise in the workplace is the cause of work stress which has an impact on decreasing work productivity, work activities, and company income. This study intends to determine the relationship between noise intensity and work stress. This study applied the analytic observational type with the cross-sectional method. The determination of the sample was through a total sampling technique. The sample in this study was 30 workers at PT. X and Y. Sound level meter was used to measure noise intensity and The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 was used to measure work stress. Spearman's test was used to analyze the data. The result of the Spearman test shows that the p-value is 0.484 (p > 0.05) and the correlation coefficient is -0.133 which indicates that there is no significant relationship between noise intensity and work stress therefore H₀ is accepted and H₁ is rejected. In conclusion, there is no relationship between noise intensity and work stress on workers at PT. X and Y.</em></p>Greyson Efraldi SampeChristin Rony Nayoan
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya
2024-05-102024-05-1012110.37304/jkupr.v12i1.12843Analisis kandungan boraks (natrium tetraborate) pada kerupuk yang beredar di pasar besar Kota Palangka Raya
<p><em>The addition of Food Additives containing chemical active substances has been widely used in daily life. Many food producers still use them as hazardous food additives that can lead to health problems. This study aims to determine the presence of borax and measure the levels found in unbranded crackers sold in the Palangka Raya City Main Market. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The research sample consisted of 41 unbranded crackers sold in the Palangka Raya City Main Market, selected using a sampling technique with total sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research instruments used were the borax easy kit test and sp-300 spectrophotometer. Data processing techniques used descriptive analysis with data presentation in the form of percentage values. The results of this study identified borax in 41 samples of unbranded crackers sold in the Palangka Raya City Main Market, with 4 samples containing borax in each coriander cracker sample. Sample 1 was found to contain 37.74 grams of borax, sample 2 contained 33.62 grams of borax, sample 4 contained 61.63 grams of borax, and sample 7 contained 15.57 grams of borax.</em></p>Reza Noor SulaimanIndria AugustinaArini RatnasariAgnes Immanuela ToemonSintha Nugrahini
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Palangka Raya