JURNAL PERSPEKTIF ARSITEKTUR 2023-12-29T03:00:11+00:00 Jurusan Arsitektur Open Journal Systems <p>Architectural Perspective Journal (JPA) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes original research in architecture and all multidisciplinary disciplines related to Architectural design. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate all progress information in the field of Architecture and contribute to the understanding and development of the world of Architecture education. We are also happy to accept student writing assignments. JPA is published twice a year every June and December. Take part here : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Link Submission JPA</a></p> Flat House KRITERIA RUMAH SUSUN BERDASARKAN PREFERENSI PENDUDUK DI TEPIAN SUNGAI KAHAYAN KELURAHAN PAHANDU 2023-10-05T03:09:38+00:00 Vinalia Efer Vinalia Efer Indrabakti Sangalang <p>Perkembangan permukiman di sepanjang tepian Sungai Kahayan Kota Palangka Raya saat ini menghadapi dilema perkembangan permukiman organik dan tidak terkendali. Permukiman di bantaran Sungai Kahayan merupakan permukiman awal dengan pola permukiman unik yang menerus mengikuti arah dan bentuk sungai. Meskipun begitu, pada saat ini penduduk di tepian sungai Kahayan khususnya di daerah Pahandut tidak hanya tergolong oleh masyarakat awal saja (Dayak Ngaju) namun juga banyak masyarakat-masyarakat pendatang yang bersama-sama mengadu nasib di Kota Palangka Raya. Pertumbuhan warga yang sangat tinggi dan cepat membuat daerah ini menjadi tidak terkendali, permukiman yang padat dan kumuh menjadi akibat dari padatnya penduduk di kawasan ini. <em> </em>Hal ini yang kemudian menjadi permasalahan untuk pembahasan ini. Dengan bantuan beberapa arahan, Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Perumahan menerapkan beberapa langkah untuk memastikan perumahan yang layak bagi setiap warga negara, salah satunya dengan penyediaan Rumah Susun. Menggali preferensi dari calon penghuni untuk mengetahui kriteria hunian seperti apa rumah susun yang diinginkan agar pembangunan menjadi lebih efisien dan tepat sasaran dan menambah tingkat kebetahan penghuni yang mendukung keberhasilan rancangan.</p> 2024-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 VinaliaEfer AGROTOURISM PERANCANGAN AGROWISATA IKAN JELAWAT DI KOTA SAMPIT 2023-09-05T09:22:07+00:00 Dewina Maharani Lesmana Herwin Sutrisno Theresia Susi <p><strong><em>Abstract : </em></strong><em>Sampit city has a strategic position in the trade route that is flowed by a large river, the Mentaya River, has a lot of diversity of freshwater fauna, one of which is the Jelawat fish. Jelawat fish that are found in the Mentaya River make this Jelawat Fish an icon of Sampit city that can be seen along the 2 km jalan Tjilik Riwut corridor and Jelawat fish monument in an open space near the Sampit City Port Dock. The purpose of Jelawat fish agrotourism design is to optimize the potential of the existing site with a symbolic architectural approach. The method used basic linear design method. The design results show that the Jelawat fish agro-tourism area in Sampit City can accommodate activities related to Jelawat fish as educational activities for the introduction of types of freshwater fauna in the Mentaya River and processed Jelawat fish into culinary or souvenirs, and interacting with fellow visitors and animals in the area. The building, which is designed with a symbolic architectural approach, is intended to be an icon of the area in Sampit city related to Jelawat fish.</em></p> 2024-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dewina Maharani Lesmana, Herwin Sutrisno, Theresia Susi DESAIN PERANCANGAN RUMAH SAKIT JIWA DI KOTA SAMPIT DENGAN PENDEKATAN TERAPEUTIK 2023-10-05T08:56:55+00:00 Isra Bilhairini Herwin Sutrisno Theresia Susi <p><em>Mental health is one of the most important aspects in realizing overall physical, spiritual and physical health. Patients with mental disorders need appropriate treatment and rehabilitation facilities and are able to provide a place for the healing process, with the existence of a mental hospital is expected to be able to help cure mental disorders both physically, socially and spiritually as a place for ODGJ and drug addicts to be ready to return healthily and productively in the community. Based on Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted in 2018 in Central Kalimantan, East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim) is the region that has the highest weighted value index compared to other regions in Central Kalimantan in mental disorders. In line with this, Kotim Regency urges to have a mental hospital to accommodate people with mental disorders and drug addicts. The design of this mental hospital emphasizes safety and comfort factors in its design. The safety related to the design standards of mental hospitals and patient comfort in them related to the five sensory elements, namely visual, texture, sound and smell, namely by using a therapeutic architectural approach, because according to Morganthaler (2015) the architecture itself does not claim to have the ability to heal people, but rather "architectural manipulation of structures and spaces that can allow environmental factors such as sound, Color, sight, smell and light contribute to a therapeutic environment that makes them stand out for healing purposes." This design method uses descriptive qualitative methods including data collection by means of surveys, interviews, and literature reviews on mental hospitals and therapeutic architecture. The result of the design is to produce the design of a Mental Hospital in Sampit City that can accommodate security and psychological comfort through the five senses with a Therapeutic Architecture approach.</em></p> 2024-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Isra Bilhairini, Herwin Sutrisno, Theresia Susi PERANCANGAN PUSAT INDUSTRI KREATIF DI KABUPATEN SAMOSIR 2023-10-07T03:23:44+00:00 Anna Rusdanisari Desna Ambarita Noor Hamidah Ave Harysakti <p><em>The people in Parapat Village do not yet have a place to accommodate Batak art and culture. The design of the Cultural Museum was designed as a place to accommodate curiosity about Batak culture, and to find out about the richness of Batak culture. The interest from the public and tourists to the cultural heritage in North Sumatra is an effort to maintain and preserve the culture of the Batak tribe. The Batak Culture Museum in Parapat, Simalungun Regency, is a facility used for the preservation of Batak culture, and a means of educating Batak culture as well as a means of developing arts and culture. The Batak Culture Museum provides facilities for the public in the form of an entertainment room design that provides information on various kinds of culture of the Batak people, educational space for the public/tourists to study Batak culture. The method used is a qualitative method based on literature studies, comparative studies and precedent studies to explore the design approach and architectural design of the Batak culture museum. The output is the design of the Batak Culture Museum in Parapat, Simalungun Regency with a Neo-Vernacular Architectural Approach.</em></p> 2024-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anna Rusdanisari, Desna Ambarita, Noor Hamidah, Ave Harysakti PERANCANGAN RESORT DI PANTAI SERUYAN DENGAN TEMA THE ART OF DOING NOTHING 2023-12-27T07:02:53+00:00 Esterliani Titiani Widati Amiany <p><em>Indonesia is known as a maritime and archipelagic country that has extensive offshore areas, this can be utilized as one of the developments in the tourism sector. One of the unspoiled beaches is the beach in Seruyan district, Central Kalimantan. Utilization of Seruyan Beach land by paying attention to its potential which is very quiet and far from the crowds, so it is very suitable to be used as a resort in the form of a resort to unwind from the boredom of work in the city using the theme The Art of Doing Nothing. The Art of Doing Nothing is a relaxation method that makes the simplicity of nature and the surrounding environment the most valuable things in life. To solve this problem, Organic Architecture is used as a solution to the problem by using its characteristics, namely simplicity and serenity. This can be realized by processing spatial planning, area patterns and facilities that provide appropriate activities so that they are able to answer needs with the theme The Art of Doing Nothing used.</em></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Esterliani, Titiani Widati, Amiany