PERSPEKTIF ARSITEKTUR2024-12-30T06:07:13+00:00Jurusan Journal Systems<p>Architectural Perspective Journal (JPA) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes original research in architecture and all multidisciplinary disciplines related to Architectural design. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate all progress information in the field of Architecture and contribute to the understanding and development of the world of Architecture education. We are also happy to accept student writing assignments. JPA is published twice a year every June and December. Take part here : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Link Submission JPA</a></p> ARENA E-SPORTS DI KOTA PALANGKA RAYA2023-11-20T04:30:30+00:00Amon Jon Seiber Elvinokiodewaamon25@gmail.comGiris Nginidewaamon12@gmail.comAve<p><em>Palangka Raya City is a province in Central Kalimantan, has a large area and has experienced significant development in various fields. One of the important developments today is the popularity of online games or what are known as online games. Esports is a form of electronic sports that uses games as the main competition arena. In game competition, it is important to have a place to compete called Arena Esports. In Indonesia, the Esports industry is starting to develop and IeSPA is an Esports community that was just inaugurated by MENPORA. Indonesia has many talented young people in the field of Esports, and the government supports the development of Esports in this country. The Indonesian Esports (ESI) branch is still relatively new in Palangka Raya City, but has many fans, especially among young people. Therefore, the design of Arena Esports is expected to provide good playing and competition facilities, taking into account comfort, function, spatial planning, tournament facilities for participants and spectators, and using inspiration from living organisms with a Biomorphic Architecture approach.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Amon Jon Seiber Elvinokio, Giris Ngini, Ave Harysakti GEDUNG RENTAL OFFICE DENGAN KONSEP EFISIENSI ENERGI2024-03-26T05:24:06+00:00Clara Chabelitaclarachabelita16@gmail.comNoor<p>Indonesia currently has the status of a developing country, so it is increasing the <br>construction of high-rise building infrastructure as a solution to limited space in urban areas. One <br>of the buildings that is being intensively built in this country is rental office buildings where the <br>need for these buildings increases along with Indonesia's economic growth. On the other hand, the <br>green architecture or green building movement with the aim of creating environmentally friendly <br>buildings is starting to emerge in Indonesia as an act of resistance to the issue of global warming <br>in the world. Responding to this issue, Architectural Design V's task this time was to design a high-rise rental office building in Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province with a green building <br>concept that focuses on energy efficiency.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Clara Chabelita, Noor Hamidah PEDAGANG PADA PEDESTRIAN JALAN TEUKU HAMZAH BENDAHARA2024-06-12T09:06:57+00:00Iqbal Rifa'i Berutu Berutuiqbalrifai0000@gmail.comSoraya Masthura Hassaniqbalrifai0000@gmail.comDela<p><em>Changes that occur in urban or rural environments are dynamic and natural processes. They include physical, territorial and cultural changes, which are interrelated and influence each other. This paper will focus on the territorial aspect of the transformation. Pedestrian is one of the important elements in the development of a city. Pedestrians in the form of sidewalks are needed by pedestrians to avoid pedestrians walking on asphalt full of vehicles that can endanger pedestrians. Territory can be formed anywhere and anytime, including on the pedestrian. The formation of territory on the pedestrian is something that should not happen because the pedestrian is public and can be used by anyone and from any circle. This phenomenon often occurs in public spaces that are not optimally used so that there is a diversion of functions. The way territories are formed also varies from case to case, some ask for permission to form territories and some are directly formed without asking for permission. The signs and boundaries of the territory are also different for each territory owner, so to find out, observations and interviews must be conducted.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Iqbal Rifa'i Berutu Berutu, Soraya Masthura Hassan, Dela Andriani PRINSIP PSIKOLOGI ARSITEKTUR PADA PANDUAN SEKOLAH RAMAH ANAK 2024-10-17T06:20:30+00:00Carina<p><em>Education plays a vital role in children's lives, both now and in the future. To support this, the United Nations, through UNICEF, has developed guidelines for Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) since 2009. These guidelines aim to create safe and comfortable learning environments that meet all children's educational needs. The design of schools also plays a significant role in shaping the learning environment by creating spaces that cater to children's developmental needs and behaviors. However, the current CFS guidelines do not explicitly mention the use of architectural psychology studies. Instead, they focus more on creating a child-friendly learning environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine how architectural psychology principles can be applied to the Child-Friendly School Guidelines. This will be achieved through a literature review comparing architectural psychology theories that can be applied to the design of Child-Friendly Schools. The study's results indicate that the existing CFS guidelines have considered the principles of architectural psychology. However, for detailed technical implementation, further references are needed, especially regarding accessibility and safety, architectural form, proportion and scale, and furniture design.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Carina Sarasati KAWASAN WISATA KONSERVASI PENYU DI TANJUNG KELUANG PANGKALAN BUN DENGAN PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR EKOLOGIS2024-08-24T00:32:29+00:00Auliani Noor Faizah Kadek<p><em>West Kotawaringin Regency, with the capital city of Pangkalan Bun, has great potential to be developed into a leading tourism destination in Central Kalimantan Province. Many foreign and domestic tourists have come and there are many tourist destinations on offer in West Kotawaringin. One of the destinations is the Tanjung Keluang Nature Tourism Park in Kubu Village, Kumai District. Tanjung Keluang TWA is a peninsula that directly faces the Java Sea, has a beautiful natural landscape and is a place where rare turtles such as hawksbill turtles and green turtles lay their eggs. However, there is still little interest from tourists in visiting there because it has not been managed well, such as very minimal supporting facilities. With the special features that TWA Tanjung Keluang has, it has the potential to be developed as a Turtle Conservation Tourism Area which can support conservation, education and recreation activities. However, by providing supporting facilities in this area, you must pay attention to the planning and design so as not to damage the environment and ecosystem there. Therefore, the design of the Turtle Conservation Tourism Area in Tanjung Keluang will be accommodated with an ecological architecture approach.Choosing an ecological architecture approach is able to minimize estimates of environmental damage that will occur as a result of a development, because it is able to create design results that can maintain natural resources, manage the local climate, create buildings that can reduce environmental pollution, use technology with the aim of saving energy and use natural materials. In this way, there will be harmony between buildings, people, species and the environment in the tourist area.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Auliani Noor Faizah , I Kadek Mardika, Giris Ngini