Penentuan Panjang Gelombang dalam Interfersensi Celah Ganda dengan Menggunakan PHET Colorado
Light Interference; Online Practicum; PhET Colorado; Physics; Experiment.Abstract
The interference of light waves plays an important role in the dualism of particles in light. Interference is a condition when two or more waves meet into one. The dark-light pattern resulting from this condition is called superposition. To see the interference phenomenon in the modern era can not only be done with conventional laboratories but can also be done with online laboratories, namely PHET Colorado. PhET Colorado is a simulation application created by the University of Colorado. The method in this study is qualitative descriptive, where the collection of information or theory and description of research in more depth by comparing analytical results with the results of Colorado PhET media experiments. One of the simulations that can be done in this application is the observation of wavelengths (lambda) in monochromatic light which is then compared with the value of the monochromatic wavelength theory on the phenomenon of double-slit interference. The wavelength value obtained from the Colorado PhET experiment using blue as a sample is 480 nm and the analytical results show corresponding results, where the wavelength of blue in visible light is 450 nm-495 nm. This proves that Colorado PhET can be used effectively in double-slit interference experiments
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