Quality control; Leukodepleted; Transfusion Reactions; Residual leukosit; Whole blood.Abstract
Blood transfusions are a very common medical procedure and can carry risks or side effects that can occur within 24 hours. Most transfusion reactions (55%) are fever or non-hemolytic heat reaction or febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR). Main cause of this event is associated with the presence of allogeneic leukocytes in blood transfusion products. To reduce transfusion reactions, number of leukocytes in processing blood components can be reduced to a certain amount. Leukodepleted is a reduction in number of leukocytes in blood products. It is estimated that average leukocyte content in whole blood is 10⁹/unit. Minimum standard number of leukocytes in a whole blood bag must be less than <1x10⁶ cells/unit. Leukodepleted using a filter method on whole blood can effectively reduce number of leukocytes to <1 x 10⁶ / unit. In this study, number of remaining leukocytes was examined with the aim of knowing the picture of remaining leukocytes in a complete blood smear before and after leukodepleted procedure using a filter. Samples in this study used whole blood (WB) products that had passed quality control and samples were taken by purposive sampling. Examination of remaining leukocytes with a hematology analyzer. Results of examination of the remaining number of leukocytes in whole blood preparations before and after leukodepleted procedure using a filter as an effort to quality control blood products carried out at PMI Yogyakarta City on 2 samples in August 2023, results obtained after leukodepleted procedure on bag 1 were 0.0 x 10⁹ cells/unit and in bag 2, namely 0.0 x 10⁹ cells/unit. All complete blood samples were obtained with the remaining number of leukocytes in accordance with the regulations in the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No. 91 of 2015 because it has a residual leukocyte value of <1 x 10⁹ cells/unit.
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