Physical Evaluation and Irritation Test of Activated Carbon Body Scrub Formulation from Banana Peels (Musa sp) as Detoxification


  • Mia Audina Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Tuti Alawiyah Universitas Sari Mulia


Physical Evaluation; Irritation Test; Body Scrub; Activated Carbon; Banana Peel


Bananas (Musa sp) were a highly popular fruit in Indonesia; however, unfortunately, banana peels were often disregarded and became a significant waste product. Previous research had shown that banana peels had substantial potential in the field of health, such as their ability to serve as a fundamental ingredient for effective detoxifying activated carbon, with a noteworthy absorption rate of harmful ammonia at 96.68%. This indicated that banana peels could be used as raw material for cosmetic products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the concentration of activated carbon from banana peels on the physical quality and irritation test of a body scrub formulation. The research employed an experimental approach with a quasi-experimental time-series design. Body scrub formulations were prepared in three groups with varying concentrations of banana peel activated carbon: 5%, 10%, and 15%. Physical stability evaluation, including organoleptic assessments, pH measurements, homogeneity, viscosity, adhesion, spreadability, and emulsion type, was conducted for four weeks after formulation. Irritation tests were performed on volunteers over three consecutive days following the application of the product. The study's findings indicated that the body scrub formulation with a 5% concentration of banana peel activated carbon experienced instability in terms of pH and spreadability, with a p-value < 0.05. Meanwhile, formulations with 10% and 15% concentrations exhibited good physical stability across all evaluated parameters. Furthermore, the body scrub formulations in all three concentrations did not induce any irritation reactions on the tested volunteers' skin. In conclusion, this research concluded that body scrub formulations containing 10% and 15% concentrations of banana peel activated carbon exhibited good physical stability and were safe for human skin application without causing irritation. These results indicated the potential utilization of banana peels in environmentally-friendly skin care products.


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How to Cite

Audina, M., & Alawiyah, T. (2024). Physical Evaluation and Irritation Test of Activated Carbon Body Scrub Formulation from Banana Peels (Musa sp) as Detoxification. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Dan Teknologi Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Palangka Raya, 5(1). Retrieved from
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