Optimalisasi Kinerja Simpang Tiga Bersinyal Jl. Tjilik Riwut – Jl. Hiu Putih di Kota Palangka Raya


  • Febri Diyah Prihatiningrum
  • Salonten
  • Murniati




Traffic Management, Signalized Intersections, Delays, Alternative Solutions, PKJI 2014


The intersection becomes a meeting point between two or more road sections so it becomes a point of conflict.
Signalized intersections are one of the controls, but the problem is often found in long queues so that vehicles
are delayed longer as a result, the intersection performance is not optimal. This study aims to analyze the
performance of the Jl. Tjilik Riwut – Jl. Hiu Putih and recommend alternative optimal solutions. Research
location at the intersection of Jl. Tjilik Riwut – Jl. Hiu Putih. The research was carried out for 7 days from 11
July 2022 – 17 July 2022. The research method was direct surveys in the field to obtain primary data in the
form of intersection geometric data, environmental conditions around the intersection, traffic flows, phases,
and signal times. Secondary data in the form of population data for the city of Palangka Raya was obtained
from the Central Bureau of Statistics. Analysis according to Indonesia Road Capacity Guidelines (2014). Data
analysis techniques using Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the performance of the intersection was not
good based on the Service Level (ITP E) in the existing conditions with a delay of 54.1 seconds/cur. The optimal
alternative solution is alternative VI of the LrsJT Application in the Western Two-Phase Approach and
produces the smallest delay.


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