Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kegagalan Penyedia Jasa pada Proses Evaluasi Penawaran Tender Konstruksi


  • Virina Revela Putri
  • Dewantoro Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Veronika Happy Puspasari Universitas Palangka Raya




Tender, Failure Factors, Evaluation, Contruction


Tender is a series of bidding activity processes that aim to select, obtain, determine, and designate the most
appropriate company to work on a work package. One of them is construction tenders, in which the
construction industry has a very important role in the economic and social development of a nation. The tender
process can be attended by more than one participant, where these companies compete with each other to be
able to win a work package. With too many companies, service providers need to have competitive offers in
order to get a positive result in order to win in project tenders. Only the best participant will be the winner in
this competition, so that other participants will be declared failed in the bidding process. This article aims to
find out what factors cause service provider failure in the evaluation process for construction tender bids so
that it becomes a means for self-introspection and finding the best solution that can somewhat minimize the
failure factor. This article uses a literature study method regarding the factors that cause service provider
failure in the process of evaluating construction tender bids by comparing several related journals and based
on current regulations. From the results of the literature study, it was found that there were 45 factors causing
the failure of service providers in the process of evaluating construction bids, which came from 3 previous
research sources and 2 current regulations.


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