Studi pada PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo di Kabupaten Seruyan
Authority, Power and Interest GroupsAbstract
This thesis is titled Conflict of Authority, Power and Interest Group of Oil Palm Plantation
Companies (Study at PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo in Perspective of Conflict of IndustrialSociety
RALF DAHRENDORF). The purpose of this thesis research is to examine and explain the system
of authority, power and interest groups of PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo, as well as researching
and explaining the authority and power in leadership can affect the emergence of internal conflict
PT. Musirawas Citraharpindo. In this study, the approach used by researchers is qualitative approach by conducting direct
observation in the field and conducting interviews to PT employees. Musirawas Citraharpindo,
recorded the observations and results of interviews and documentation on the grounds that
researchers wanted to dig up information, collect data, analyze data and conclude how corporate
authority, power, and interest groups and how authority and leadership power affect the dynamics
of internal conflicts of the company.
Based on the results of research on authority, power and interest groups in PT. Musirawas
Citraharpindo was awakened as a result of the dominant role and position of a person who was
then used as a regulator and controller to every employee, especially small employees who
worked on the plantation. In addition, the conflict in PT. Musirawas Citraharindo was awakened
by labor dissatisfaction both individually and collectively that was not organized in fighting for
interests and achieving a goal.