Catatan Tamang Mangkinang (Elaeocarpus glaber Blume) di Kalimantan Tengah
Records of Tamang Mangkinang (Elaeocarpus glaber Blume) in Central Kalimantan
Buah Lokal, Elaeocarpus, Konservasi, Tamang MangkinangAbstract
Abstrak. Elaeocarpus glaber Blume merupakan tumbuhan buah liar dapat dimakan yang memiliki ciri khas endokarp yang berukiran dan baraluran. Saat ini, spesies Elaeocarpus glaber Blume telah mengalami perubahan status konservasi dari terancam menjadi resiko rendah pada laman jejaring IUCN, namun informasi yang diperoleh dilapangan bahwa masyarakat Desa Bukit Rawi telah menebang banyak tanaman dewasa. Sehingga, penelitian ini tetap bertujuan untuk memperkuat penentuan status dengan mengumpulkan data tentang keberadaan Elaeocarpus glaber di Kalimantan Tengah menggunakan metode jelajah dan wawancara. Hasil menunjukkan tercatat delapan lokasi pernah dilaporkan serta satu lokasi adalah terbaru, dikoleksi di habitat tanah liat di tepi sungai Kahayan Tengah di Desa Bukit Rawi.
Abstract. Elaeocarpus glaber Blume is an edible wild fruit plant that characteristised by a sculptured to sulcate endocarp. Currently, the Elaeocarpus glaber Blume species has undergone a change in conservation status from Threatened to Least Concern on the IUCN website, even though the field information was obtained that the Bukit Rawi Village community has cut down many mature plants. Therefore, this study still purpose to strengthen the status determination by collecting data on the presence of Elaeocarpus glaber in Central Kalimantan using eksploration method and interviews. The results showed that eight locations were reported and one location was the most recent, which is collected in a clay habitat on the riverbanks of the Kahayan Tengah in Bukit Rawi Village
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