Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Bagan Pohon Dan Papan Pintar Cuaca Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Tema 5 Subtema 2 Di Kelas III SD Negeri 173292 Butar T.A 2022/2023


  • Ladi Ladita Sigalingging Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Wildansyah Lubis Universitas Negeri Medan



Learning Outcomes, Tree Charts  Learning Media, Smart Board


The problem in this study is the low learning outcomes of class III students at SD Negeri 173292 Butar T.A 2022/2023. This study aims to determine the effect of student learning outcomes with the use of learning media Tree Charts and Smart Boards on Theme 5 Sub-theme 2 Weather Changes. Class III SD Negeri 1733292 Butar Academic Year 2022/2023. Location The research was conducted at SD Negeri 1733292 Butar. The sample of this study were all students of class III SD Negeri 1733292 Butar, which consisted of 2 classes, namely: Class IIIA (Experimental Class 1) and Class IIIB (Experimental Class 2). Class III A with a total of 20 students and class IIIB with a total of 20 students. The sample collection technique with Total Sampling is the selection of a sample where the entire population is selected as a sample. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with Non Equivalent Multiple Group Design and quantitative data. The data collection tool used to determine student learning outcomes is an objective test with a total of 25 questions that have been tested for validation and reliability. From the data analysis with a sample of 20 students in experimental class 1 and 20 students in experimental class 2, it was obtained that the average of experimental class 1 was at Pre-Test 41 and Post-Test 82 while in experimental class 2 at Pre-Test 41.4 and Post- Tests 78.4. At a significant level ꭤ=0.05. Both classes are normally distributed because Lo<Lt is 0.116<0.190 (experimental class 1) and 0.176 (experimental class 2). Homogeneity test in the Post-Test experimental class 1 and experimental class 2 with Fcount<Ftable, namely 1.68<2.17. The t-test was carried out at the significant level ꭤ=0.05 that tcount>ttable is 1.874>1.685. The writer concludes that there is a significant effect of Tree Chart and Smartboard learning media on Theme 5 Sub-theme 2 Weather Change. Class III SD Negeri 1733292 Butar Academic Year 2022/2023


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How to Cite

Ladi Ladita Sigalingging, & Wildansyah Lubis. (2024). Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Bagan Pohon Dan Papan Pintar Cuaca Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Tema 5 Subtema 2 Di Kelas III SD Negeri 173292 Butar T.A 2022/2023. ENGGANG: Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, Dan Budaya, 4(2), 297–307.
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