Author Guidelines

Manuscripts are sent in the form of files created using word processing software (Microsoft Word, Open Office).  It is not allowed to send files that cannot be changed (PDF format).

Manuscripts are made in accordance with the provisions of JEMBA article writing

Title. Must Be Specific, Effective And Informative. No More Than 15 Words In Indonesian Language

Abstract. Abstracts are made in one paragraph between 150-200 words. Abstracts are written clearly, concisely and use effective sentences. Abstract should be able to help readers understand the important points of the article, so that it can provide a clear overview of the content of the article. Abstract writing consists of the main objectives and research issues discussed, the research methods discussed in general, the main findings or results of the analysis made, and the interpretation of the results and conclusions of the research. Abstracts are not permitted to explain the background extensively, contain quotations, contain abbreviations or terms that are not generally known, contain statistical figures, tables, figures or references to the tables / figures. Abstracts are presented in both Indonesian and English.

Introduction. The introduction must be able to explain the rationality of the research, so that it can be justified why this research is important for the economic field (Reference et al., 2011). The introductory part includes the formulation of research problems, research questions, and research benefits.

Literature Review. This section discusses the review of journals, articles, books and other relevant sources. If necessary, hypothesis formulation is presented in this section. The hypothesis formulated must be based on adequate logic and supported by the results of previous research. Data, information and quotes must be within the last 10 years. 80% of quotations written in papers must come from primary sources originating from published texts and research, both national and international. The more main references the article has, the better the quality of the article.

Methods. This section explains explicitly how the research was conducted. The research methods section must be written effectively, so that the author can obtain a complete and clear picture of the data, tools and stages carried out in order to answer the research question. This section also provides an explanation of the measurement method so that it can be easily replicated. 

Results and Discussion. The research results directly present the data and results obtained from the research. This section only provides a narrative description of the research results without any interpretation or evaluation. The discussion section interprets the meaning of the research results, whether they meet expectations or not.

Conclusion. This section briefly summarizes the results and discussion of the research. This section also explains the implications of the results, research limitations and recommendations for future research development.

References. The manuscript was written using a reference manager application (Mendeley/Endnote/ Zotero). References use APA style. References are written alphabetically. Minimum 25 references from 80% of journals for the last 10 years