Effect of Government Expenditures and Job Opportunities on Economic Growth and Poverty in Central Kalimantan Province


  • Sondang Nauly Hasibuan
  • Gundik Gohong
  • Misel Jaya




Government Expenditures, Job Opportunities, Economic Growth, Poverty


This study aims to analyze the effect of government spending and employment opportunities
on economic growth and poverty in Central Kalimantan Province. The research method is
quantitative by using secondary time series data from 2010-2016. Data is analyzed using path
analysis. The results found that government expenditure had a significant effect on economic
growth in Central Kalimantan Province, government expenditure does not have a significant
effect on poverty in Central Kalimantan Province, job opportunities have a significant effect
on economic growth in Central Kalimantan Province, job opportunities have a significant
effect on poverty in Central Kalimantan Province, so the Prob (0.004). Economic growth has
a significant effect on the level of poverty in Central Kalimantan Province, so the Prob
(0.001). Government expenditure does not have a significant effect on poverty levels through
economic growth in Central Kalimantan Province, so Prob (-0.724). Job opportunities have a
significant effect on poverty levels through mediating economic growth in Central
Kalimantan Province, so Prob (1,198).


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How to Cite

Hasibuan, S. N. ., Gohong, G., & Jaya, M. (2019). Effect of Government Expenditures and Job Opportunities on Economic Growth and Poverty in Central Kalimantan Province. Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universtas Palangka Raya : GROWTH, 5(1), 46–57. https://doi.org/10.52300/grow.v5i1.2256
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