About the Journal
The Journal of Tropical Peatland is a peer-reviewed online journal focusing specifically on tropical peatlands. As a “free-to-users” publication (NO CHARGES to authors OR readers), it is immediately accessible to readers and potential authors worldwide. It is published jointly by the University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia; Borneo Nature Foundation; the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the Peatland Society of Indonesia (HGI)
The Journal of Tropical Peatland publishes papers on all aspects of peatland science, technology and wise use, including:
- ecology, physical geography, chemistry, climatology and climate change, botany, zoology, socio-economics, policy, restoration, (sustainable) management, conservation and related areas
- studies of the above topics for any tropical ecosystem containing peat, irrespective of peat depth or type (e.g. tropical kerangas with a surface peat layer may be included)
Research papers, short communications and review articles on these and related topics will all be considered; and suggestions for special issues of the Journal based on the proceedings of conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops will be welcomed. The submission of material by authors and from countries with tropical peatlands and whose work would otherwise be inaccessible to the international community is particularly encouraged.
- Journal Title: Journal of Tropical Peatland
- Initials: JTP
- Frequency: June and December
- Print ISSN: -
- Online ISSN: -
- Editor in Chief: Dr. Ir. Adi Jaya, MSi.
- DOI: 10.36873
- Publisher: UPT CIMTROP and BNF
Current Issue
Full Issue
Comparison of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Spores Abundance Under Sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & Grimes) Planted on Deep Peat and Mineral Soils
Abstract views: 255 times
Downloaded: 228 times
The Effects of Biochar and Chicken Manure Application on Red Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc.) Growth and Yield of Semi Paludiculture in Tropical Peatlands
Abstract views: 452 times
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Chemical Properties of Charcoal Briquette with Composition Types of Gerunggang (Cratoxylon Arborescens) and Tumih (Combretocarpus Rotundatus) Wood from Tropical Peatlands
Abstract views: 363 times
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Effects of Vermicompost and NPK Fertilizer to Growth and Yield of Mustard Plant (Brassica Juncea L) on Tropical Peatlands
Abstract views: 258 times
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Study of Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration in KHDTK Forest Peatland Area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Abstract views: 297 times
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