Implementation Of Scientific Approach Learning to Measurement Materials In Class VII Semester I Of SMP Negeri 7 Palangka Raya In The Academic Year 2018/2019


  • Ella Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Muhammad Nawir Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Suhartono Universitas Palangka Raya



Scientific approach, psychomotor skills, learning outcomes


The purpose of this research is to know: (1) psychomotor skills of student’s using scientific approach learning on measurement material, (2) mastery of learners cognitive outcomes of learning after learning using scientific approach on measurement material. This research is pre-experimental research using one-shot case study design. The population of this study is all of seven grade students of first semester SMP Negeri 7 Palangka Raya in academic year 2018/2019 which amounts to 4 classes. The number of samples taken in this study as one class with random sampling technique. The sample in this research is class VII-2 with total 26 students. The result of data analysis obtained psychomotor skills for two meetings on the component moving (P1) obtained an average value of 85.94% with good category, components manipulating (P2) obtained an average value of 79.69% with enough category, and component communicating (P3) obtained an average value of 57.82% with less category. Mastery learning individually from 22 students take the test, obtained 13 complete students and 9 students is not complete. Classical learning is not complete because only obtained 59.09% complete student and did not reach standards of classical completeness ie ? 75%. The completeness TPK was obtained 13 (68.42%) of TPK complete and 6 (31.58%) of TPK unfinished from 19 TPK used.


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How to Cite

Ella, Nawir, M., & Suhartono. (2021). Implementation Of Scientific Approach Learning to Measurement Materials In Class VII Semester I Of SMP Negeri 7 Palangka Raya In The Academic Year 2018/2019. GAMAPROIONUKLEUS, 1(2), 84–94.
Abstract viewed = 92 times