The Implementation of Experiment Method to Enhance Psychomotor Skill and Learning Result in Light Material


  • Hairunisa Raihatul Jannah Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Gunarjo S Budi Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Andi Bustan Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Pri Ariadi Cahya Dinata Universitas Palangka Raya



Cooperative, scientific, learning outcomes, psychomotor skills


The purpose of this study are: (1) to know the psychomotor skills of students, (2) to know the completeness of students' cognitive learning outcomes. This research is a pre-experimental research using one-shot case study design. The population of this research is the entire class VIII of second semester of MTs Negeri 2 Palangka Raya of academic year 2017/2018.The sample of the study is class VIII-H with the number of students 38 people. The results of the data analysis showed that the psychomotor skills tests carried out during the learning with the experimental method showed that the average psychomotor skills of the groups in all the learning groups from 5 groups had 1 group that had the highest score was group III with a score of (86.25) in very good categories and group I which gets the lowest score is (72.2) in good categories and per aspect of learning I aspects number 1 and 10 with the value (90) of the category being the highest value aspect and in Meeting II aspect number 1 with the value (90) the good category becomes the highest value aspect. Completeness of individual cognitive learning results obtained from 38 students who took the test, 24 students complete learning and 14 students are not complete. In classical, learning is said not complete because only 63,16% of students who completed the completion of the classical completeness standard set is ?75%. Completed total learning objectives (TPK) that complete as many as 17 TPK from 28 TPK with the percentage of TPK which complete 60,71%.


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How to Cite

Jannah, H. R., Budi, G. S., Bustan, A. ., & Dinata, P. A. C. (2021). The Implementation of Experiment Method to Enhance Psychomotor Skill and Learning Result in Light Material. GAMAPROIONUKLEUS, 1(2), 116–125.
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