The Effect of Organic Biofertilizer on The Growth of Mustard Greens (Brassica Rapa Var. Parachinensis L) in Peat Soils as a Support for Practicum Material for Plant Growth and Development in Grade XII High School


  • Megawati Marpaung Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Liswara Neneng Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Akhmadi Akhmadi Universitas Palangka Raya



Peat Soil, Organic Biofertilizer, Fertilizing


Peatlands are potential land for horticultural crops. Organic biofertilizer is one of the alternative fertilizers that can increase fertility, soil quality, and health, as well as provide sufficient nutrients needed by plants to grow well, increase plant production and be more environmentally friendly. This study was conducted to determine the effect of organic biofertilizer on the growth of mustard greens (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L) in peat soil media, and to determine the composition of an effective organic biofertilizer to support the growth of mustard greens (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L) in peat soil media. This research is an experimental research type with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments and 4 replications. The independent variable of this study was organic biofertilizer, while the dependent variable was mustard greens (Brassica rapa var. Parachinensis L) and the growth of mustard greens on peat soil media. The results obtained in this study were based on the statistical analysis of One Way Anova after 30 DAS, the number of leaves F_hitung (6.88)> F_ (table 5%) (2.77), leaf width F (count) (8.901)> F (table 5%) (2.77) and wet weight F_count (12.30)> F (table 5%) (2.77). All data show F_ (count)> F_ (table 5%), this means that organic biofertilizer has a significant effect on the growth of mustard plants in peat soil media. The best biofertilizer composition used is the AS treatment which contains microorganisms consisting of Pseudomonas spBacillus spKlebsiella spAspergillus sp, and Azotobacter sp.


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How to Cite

Marpaung, M., Neneng, L., & Akhmadi, A. (2021). The Effect of Organic Biofertilizer on The Growth of Mustard Greens (Brassica Rapa Var. Parachinensis L) in Peat Soils as a Support for Practicum Material for Plant Growth and Development in Grade XII High School. GAMAPROIONUKLEUS, 2(1), 33–44.
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