Application of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Pressure Material in Class VIII Semester II SMP Negeri 8 Palangka Raya Academic Year 2019/2020


  • Noor Hidayati
  • Andi Bustan
  • Theo Jhoni Hartanto



Inquiry, science process skills, learning outcomes, pressure material


The purpose of this research are: (1) To find out the science process skills of students after the Guided Inquiry learning model was applied to the pressure material; and (2) To see the completeness of student learning outcomes after the Guided Inquiry learning model is applied to the pressure material. This research is a pre-experimental study using a design One-Shot Case Study. The study population was all students class VIII SMP Negeri 8 Palangka Raya which amounts to 11 classes. The sample of this research is class VIII-4 with a total of 35 students, but when this research was conducted a pandemic covid-19 was happening so that there were 10 students who were allowed by their parents to take part in the research. The instruments used in this study were the science process skills observation sheet and the cognitive learning outcomes test. The results of the test learning outcomes test of 40 questions obtained 35 can be used and 5 questions were declared invalid with a reliability of 0.72. The results of data analysis showed that the science process skills of students in the aspect of formulating hypotheses had average score 3,17 (good category), the aspect of conducting the experiment has an average score of 3.22 (good category), the aspect of analyzing the data has an average score of 3.05 (quite good category), and the aspect of drawing up conclusions has an average score of 3.2 (good category), while for individual science process skills obtained 1 (10%) students are categorized as very good, 6 (60%) good category students and 3 (30%) good enough category students. Individual learning completeness obtained by 7 students completed and 3 students did not complete from 10 students who took the test. Classically, learning is not complete because only 70.00% of students have completed and have not reached the classical completeness standard, namely ≥ 75%. Specific Learning objectives   were   obtained   18 Specific learning objectives (51.00%) were complete and 17 Special Learning Objectives (49.00%) were not complete from the 35 Specific Learning Objectives used. This shows that the Guided Inquiry model has a positive effect on the science process skills of students but is still not able to achieve maximum completeness of learning outcomes on the pressure material.


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How to Cite

Noor Hidayati, Andi Bustan, & Theo Jhoni Hartanto. (2022). Application of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Pressure Material in Class VIII Semester II SMP Negeri 8 Palangka Raya Academic Year 2019/2020. GAMAPROIONUKLEUS, 2(1), 66–77.
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