Analisis dan Desain Sistem Pakar Sebagai Pendiagnosa Gangguan Hati
liver disorder, expert system, certainty factor (CF)Abstract
Liver has a very important rolefor the human body, especially as an antidote tothe human
body. Liver disordercan becategorized intoseveraltypes. The ability ofexperts/physiciansin
diagnosingliver disordersis notalwaysoptimal. This was caused bythe amount of
informationthatmust beprocessedandthe similarityof symptomsinliverdisorders.
Expert systemsfor the diagnosis liverdisordersis expected to helpmedicalexpertsin
storingandprocessing informationfor initial diagnosis of liver disorder. Certainty
Factor(CF)Methodscandescribe the level ofconfidenceof expertstodiagnosethe type ofliver
Developmentphasesof expert systemsincludesinformationanalysis, functionality
systemanalysis, use cases, activitydiagrams, data flow diagram(DFD), databasedesignandinterface
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