
  • Enny Dwi Oktaviyani Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Abertun Sagit Sahay Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Lius Kaharap Bion Inso Universitas Palangka Raya



e-government, web 2.0, cms, php, waterfall


Currently a governmental agency has many uses a centralized system that nature, where the
important data and information can be accessed through an online computerized system. E-Government
is the use of information technology by the government to provide information and services with citizens,
businesses, and other matters relating to the administration. With the implementation of E-Government at
the Department of Mines and Energy of the Province of Central Kalimantan is expected to assist the
delivery of accurate and reliable information becomes easier with the service provided and as the use of
Geographic Information System (GIS), the delivery reports of the company to be faster, information to the
public the mining world as well as data management personnel.
Implementation of E-Government at the Department of Mines and Energy of the Province of
Central Kalimantan made using Waterfall method for design and analysis steps, web 2.0 technology with
programming languages HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript based Content Management of System (CMS)
and have techniques for web development using Ajax and JQuery to create a website to be interactive
with picture effects, themes, etc..
Kalteng DISTAMBEN this website, is one form of implementation of services such as information
and communication by using a computerized system that can facilitate services to parties / other agencies
and to the general public in the process of finding the location, determine the shape of the service areas
of Distamben, sending a message and reports. Equipped with a CMS that is used to manage the content of
the website, which is added in the form of data, edit data, and delete data through the admin page. The
website is expected to be a system that can be useful for all parties


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