website, e-commerce, handicraft product shopAbstract
CV. Andika Sakti is handicraft product shop. It sells various snacks produk. CV. Andika Sakti was
marketing their product through conventional way where customers came directly to the shop to buy the
product. It brought about some shortcomings such as the limitation of promotion coverage and
consequently their potential product was not really popular among market community. Other hindrance
appears when it comes to the competition among other handicraft industry from small to high scale
enterprises. Therefore, the CV. Andika Sakti must have a different marketing strategy to be able to
compete and getting new more customers. A new system was needed to solve the problem, to
accommodate both the marketing strategy and selling process. One solution that could be done was by
building e-commerce web-based application.
E-commerce website with web 2.0 at the CV. Andika Sakti consists of collaborated contents. Web
2.0 is web technology which combines some of technologies commonly used in web building such as
HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The methodology used for building the software was waterfall methodology.
This method consists of some steps in building software. Those were analysis, design, coding, testing, and
maintenance. As a result, an e-commerce application was created which runs in web 2.0 to accommodate
a series of marketing activity at the CV. Andika Sakti.
CV Andika website developed using PHP programming, MySQL database server, and the
XAMPP web server and tested with blackbox testing. The results of this testing, the customer can easily
place an order, payment and get the product information without having to come to CV. This website also
facilitates the CV to promote products with very affordable costs and expand marketing because in doing
online and simplify report generation of data items, ordering, and sales. On this website are suggested to
develop the design to make it more attractive appearance and facilitate online payment transactions
online because now the website has been banned from using the forex / banking sites.
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