Location Based Service (LBS), the Google Maps APIAbstract
Room location search can be done by looking at the sign of the room. Along with the development
of information technology services (IT) then to perform the above can be done by using the services of a
Location Based Service (LBS). The search of information and the location of Department of Information
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNPAR by using a mobile device can be done by using LBS services
so that the necessary information can be viewed by the room. LBS at the Department of Informatics
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNPAR intended for information about lectures, lab work and a
reminder for the user can be obtained.
The study was made of three phases: (1) data collection and analysis is done by means of
literature study and observation, (2) applying the waterfall method which has been modified with the
stages is a system analysis to determine access rights along with existing facilities, UML and ERD are
made, the design of the system by doing database design, navigation structure, interface, and (3) the
results of research in which document analysis and design for LBS can be made the basis for the software
to implement.
LBS at the Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNPAR generally
have three users, namely: (1) the admin to manage point and information point, the user, the schedule of
lectures and lab work, (2) a registered user to see the point and information point, managing the schedule
of lectures and practicum user, check in at the point, manage appointments, and provide notifications and
reminders, and (3) the user is not registered to see the point and the point information and to register on
the system.
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