expert system, VCIRS, certainty factor, dog diseasesAbstract
In this research, design and manufacture a prototype of expert system are used to help to determine
the dog diseases. This prototype is intended to provide an access information about type of dog diseases
and therapeutic advice to owner, physician assistants and veterinarians themselves. The prototype of an
expert system is developed using Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System and certainty factor method.
A Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System method is able to knowledge development, update knowledge
and consultation or process of inference. Certainty factor method itself is used to give consideration to
the weighting process on the symptoms of the disease so that the weighting process has been able to
provide the results of diseases with a value of confidence from the system. The input of development
knowledge is results of knowledge representation that have been made based on interview with an expert
in veterinary. In the knowledge development process each symptoms/variables will be calculated and will
generalize the symptoms/variables on update knowledge based on its results. In the consultation process,
input on expert system is the symptoms of disease which given by user and displayed by system, then the
output of the system is the diseases based on its answer.The final result of this research is a prototype of
expert system for diagnosing diseases of the dog and its value of confidence of the disease that indicates
the level of confidence in the system against the disease therapeutic advice that should be given. The
result of this research shows that the method of Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System and certainty
factor could be implemented in prototype of expert system for diagnosing diseases in dog
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