API, google maps, system informationAbstract
One of the facilities are not owned by the Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Central
Kalimantan is a system that can be used to find the location of the existing schools in the province of
Central Kalimantan. The weakness of the absence of this system is the difficulty in establishing a new
school and finding the location of the schools are located in remote areas. By looking at the difficulties
encountered, it would require a computer system which has the ability to build, store, manage and display
information schools, for example, data identified according to location, in a database. With this
information system is expected to facilitate the implementation of activities in LPMP.
The research was made consisting of stages, namely the collection and analysis of data is done by
means of literature study and observation and for the development of software implementing the waterfall
method. Implementation of the system is done with Delphi XE2, the database used is Microsoft Access
To make the system location information schools in Central Kalimantan is the waterfall
methodology with phase analysis system to determine access rights along with the existing facilities,
systems modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and data modeling using the Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD ), the design of systems with database design, interface design, design school
location search, and the appearance of the search results, and system testing using blackbox testing. To
display the search results by using the location of the school is an additional application that is API
(Application Programming Interface) from google maps to be displayed into the application that created
and we can give the coordinates into the google maps