
  • Sherly Christina Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Licantik Licantik Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Nor Aliya Suganda Universitas Palangka Raya



Prosecutor, Personnel, Web-Based SIMPEG


High Prosecutor General of Central Kalimantan is an agency engaged in law in the province of
Central Kalimantan. In the High High Prosecutor General of Central Kalimantan, the management of
employment data is still done manually. Therefore, the High Prosecutor General of Central Kalimantan,
especially on the staffing needs an application programs that can perform the data of personnel
management by computerized
Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG) is an application that is intended to
perform the data of personnel management with user friendly design. Personnel Management Information
System was created using descriptive research method with case study at the High Prosecutor General of
Central Kalimantan. Where the data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and
studies liberatur. The analysis and design methods used in the manufacture of the system as a model
process using DFD and ERD as a data model. In developing the application, this website using the PHP
programming, MySQL database and a classical application cycle method called waterfall with 5 (five)
stages. It is include Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Maintenance.
By the program of Personnel Management Information System which the application is
concerned with the activities of processing employee data can be maintained, because this application
program is a simplification of the forms of documents or manually archiving media and equipped with a
password, the need to improve the control and data security is guaranteed because not all people have
the right to access the data or change the data.


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