
  • Ade Chandra Saputra
  • Agus Sehatman Saragih




sentiment monitoring twiiter naive-bayes classifier


Every day there are millions of opinion spread across social networks. This is often utilized by various parties to determine the opinion and sentiment of the public towards the product, brand or figures that they hold. Given the abundance of data and opinions, it is not possible to do sentiment analysis manually. In this research, author performs design and implementation of sentiment monitoring application, that could monitor people’s sentiment about a particular keyword, so it is known how the people response to those keywords, whether positive, negative or neutral.

From various existing social networks, Twitter is chosen as the source of data that will be monitored. Classification algorithm used here is Naive-Bayes Classifier with Boolean Multinomial model, and feature extraction using unigram word. The training data used is 400,000 data for each type of sentiment, so the total is 1.200.000 data. In the process of classification and training, application will  perform  stemming  to  take  the  root  words  contained  within  the  tweet. Stemming algorithm used here is Confix Stripping.

The  methodology  of  application  development  that  used  here is  staged delivery. Implementation of application is done using PHP programming language. The result of this research is a sentiment monitoring application that can monitor public sentiment about a particular keyword in a particular time frame. From testing using k-fold cross validation, obtained accuracy rate for sentiment classification amounted to 85%.


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