
  • Jadiaman Parhusip Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Abertun Sagit Sahay Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Muhammad Sabrin Safi’i Universitas Palangka Raya




Waterfall, CMS, Seruyan Student Association, Website, PHP, MySql


Seruyan student association is one of student organization in Palangka Raya. It is
found that information of Seruyan students lacks enough data. It becomes a problem for the
officer since the officer has to come every campus, boarding house or house to complete the
data manually. It consumes too much time to collect and process the data. This designed
website is hoped can help the officer collecting, managing, and informing those students’
data easily. It is hoped that this website which is developed using SMS Broadcast can be very
helpful in speed and quality for presenting the information. This kind of website also offer a
structured storage. Besides, available information then can be accessed in an unlimited
number of times and places.
This research is conducted using PHP language programme and MySQL database. The
researcher also uses a methodology of software development which known as waterfall
methodology (Analysis, Design, Code, Testing and Maintenance). Besides, Content
Management System (CMS) is also used to manage content of the website includes command
to add, change, and delete data which can be accessed from the administrator system page.
This website is tested using whitebox technique which also includes a test for visitor,
member, administrator, and browser. In the other opportunity in the future, it is hoped that
this website can be developed bu adding some other features such as discussion forum or
chat room.


Download data is not yet available.


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