Website, E-Learning, Waterfall, BlackboxAbstract
A variety of new concepts and techniques in teaching has been widely developed to replace
traditional methods that rely solely on a one-way teaching method in the class. One of the
teaching methods that are being developed in SMAN 1 Palangka Raya is currently the e-learning,
where teachers can help in distributing their materials without having to be in class by using the
internet. In e-learning this implement search algorithms namely the Boyer-Moore algorithm
which is expected to be able to support the system to be able to correct the answers through his
essay, do a word search of the position of the right to the left position. This algorithm has a
principle of good suffix (a character who sought similar characters aligned with) as well as the
principle of bad character (characters that are not selected will be similar). Website development
e-learning uses the method Waterfall. To design this application used the method of structural
design i.e. making Entity Relationship (ER) and making Data Flow diagrams (DFD) for
designing and documenting software systems based on the flow of data. In making this software
using PHP as a scripting language used to create Web page and MySQL database as a data
storage. Testing is done using Blackbox testing methods.
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