
  • Jadiaman Parhusip Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Rony Teguh Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Liyando Hermawan Hasibuan Universitas Palangka Raya



Orangutans are the only great apes that live in Asia and have the most threatened
status in the world. Currently there are three types of orangutans in Indonesia; the Sumatran
orangutan (Pongo abelii), the Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the Tapanuli
orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensi). The types of colors that enter critical status are endangered
(critical) based on International Unity for Nature Conservation in 2017. Approximately 75%
of the distribution of orangutans will be outside the sexuality area need data distribution
and orangutan population to meet data needs for the benefit of orangutans.
This study used a method to collect data which were of library studies, data retrieval,
consultation and discussion studies. After the data was collected, it was conducted need
analysis and system design using the W2000 Software Development Method, which included
process design, database design, menu structure design and interface design. Then the
system implementation utilized Google Map Service and the PHP programming language
based on the website with the MySQL database.
The results of the testing are several locations of orangutan nests where every point
owns information in the form of the number of orangutans and their population. The results
of this study are the mapping of orangutan’s nests with a GIS web-based spatial data
approach that will provide information on nest position, nest density, orangutan population
density which is at the position of the nest radius.


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