
  • Enny Dwi Oktaviyani Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Abertun Sagit Sahay Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Arie Pradana Universitas Palangka Raya



Decision Support System, Selection of High Leadership, Selection committee, Waterfall, Simple Additive Weighting


Selection system positions of High Leadership Of Pratama in Katingan Regency whose
implementation stage is still using manual or traditional way. A High Leadership Of Pratama
Candidate must go down directly to obtain information on the selection process and stages. At the
completion stage of the file administrative requirements are also still done manually is submitted to
the selection committee in the form of printed documents and in the process of calculating the value
and ranking done, the selection committee is still using the manual way. This certainly makes it
difficult for the selection committee to verify the administrative requirements file and perform the
processing of data value because the number of candidates of High Leadership Of Pratama who
register relatively much so it will take time, energy is not small and prone to errors. Therefore it is
necessary media that can facilitate all the stages and can help decision making.
Decision Support System Selection Position of High Leadership Of Pratama In Katingan
Regency With Simple Additive Weighting Method built using waterfall methodology. The stages in the
waterfall methodology to build a software are needs analysis, system design, program code writing,
program testing and maintenance. And in the process of making the system using the programming
language Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 as a PHP editor and website page editor and for data storage
using MySQL. With Xampp as a localhost server application. To support decision making, this system
applied Simple Additive Weighting method as an optimal alternative search method based on specified
From the results of the research found that the search for optimal alternative of a number of
candidates for High Leadership Of Pratama with this method can be trusted because of this
mathematical method there is a statistical test by looking at the value of criteria previously given to
the alternative. Implementing this system can reduce errors in alternative assessments, facilitate
implementation at all stages and systems more efficiently than traditional systems.


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