
  • Constantin Menteng Univesitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Arief Setyanto
  • Hanif Al Fatta



accuracy, Deep belief network, deep model, Restricted Boltzmann Machines


Deep Belief Networks are deep learning models that utilize stacks of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) or sometimes Autoencoders. Autoencoder is a neural network model that has the same input and output. The autoencoder learns the input data and attempts to reconstruct the input data. The solution in this study can provide several tests on DBN such as detecting recall accuracy and better classification precision. By using this algorithm, it is hoped that we as users can overcome problems that occur quite often such as brute force attacks in our accounts and within the company. And the results obtained from this DBN experiment are with an accuracy value of 90.27%, recall 90.27%, precession 91.67%, F1-score 90.51%. The results of this study are the data values of accuracy, recall, precession, and f1-score data used to detect brute force attacks are quite efficient using the deep model of the deep belief network.  


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