KUALITAS PELET TIGA JENIS KAYU: BANGKIRAI (Shorea laevis Rdl), SUNGKAI (Peronema canescens Jack) DAN MERANTI MERAH (Shorea leprosula Mig)
Lies Indrayanti 1 , Alpian 1 , * Wahyu Supriyati 1 , Renhart Jemi 1 ,Theresia Anggreini Sirait 1 , Rosdiana 1
wood pellet, sawdust, standard quality, prospective.Abstract
One of the ways to support zero waste policies in the timber industry was used the industry waste
maximally. Sawdust is probable materials to produce wood pellet. This research aims to identify the quality of
wood pellet of Bangkirai, Sungkai, and red Meranti. Tapioca flour will be used as an adhesive material. Secondly,
to identify the feasibility of those three types of timber as wood pellet, that can be used either as domestic
consumption or export. Research used complete-random design with timber as the factor. The result shows that
wood pellet yielded from Sungkai has better quality than wood pellet produced from the other two timber types.
The difference in type of wood is only the density value shows very significant effect. Overall, the research result
has qualified for SNI standard (8201-2014) and France standard (ITEBE). However, only several parts of
parameters from three types of timber that conform with Sweden standard (SS187120). Those three types of
timber are feasibly usable and prospective to be developed as wood pellet material. But, intensive handling of the
pellet's water content and testing of mechanical properties and durability were needed.
Keywords: wood pellet, sawdust, standard quality, prospective.