PELATIHAN MEMBUAT MEDIA TANAM (BAGLOG) BUDIDAYA JAMUR TIRAM BAGI WARGA RT.001/RW.011 KELURAHAN LANGKAI KOTA PALANGKA RAYA Training of Making Plant Media (Baglog) Oyster Mushroom for Residents of RT.001 / RT.011 Langkai Village Pahandut District of Palangk

Novalisae1), Prihanika1) , Devia2)


Training, Cultivation, Making Media Planting (Baglog), Oyster Mushroom.


Raya City about making good quality and inexpensive baglog (planting media) for oyster mushroom
cultivation, the team sought help by bringing in one of the Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Producers that can be
used Optimal named Mr. Budi who has a scale of oyster mushroom cultivation business located at Jl. Murjani
Gang Suka Damai, Palangka Raya City. He and the research team will provide training on oyster mushroom
cultivation to residents of RT.001 / RW.011 Langkai Village, Pahandut District, Palangka Raya City. The
solution offered is assistance for residents of RT.001 / RW 011 is to provide insight and knowledge on the
importance of making the correct mushroom growing media (baglog) in order to produce oyster mushrooms
with optimal results so that it does not experience failure, namely providing training on oyster mushroom
cultivation with resource persons an oyster mushroom cultivator who works in the city of Palangka Raya
named Mr. Budi. Training in the form of the introduction of tools and materials needed for the manufacture of
oyster mushroom growing media, mixing materials for growing media, baglog packing, baglog sterilization,
inoculation process (administration of mushroom seeds), incubation (mushroom growth), harvesting and
processing of oyster mushrooms in the form of crispy mushrooms.
Keywords: Training, Cultivation, Making Media Planting (Baglog), Oyster Mushroom.


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How to Cite

PELATIHAN MEMBUAT MEDIA TANAM (BAGLOG) BUDIDAYA JAMUR TIRAM BAGI WARGA RT.001/RW.011 KELURAHAN LANGKAI KOTA PALANGKA RAYA Training of Making Plant Media (Baglog) Oyster Mushroom for Residents of RT.001 / RT.011 Langkai Village Pahandut District of Palangk: Novalisae1), Prihanika1) , Devia2). (2020). Agrienvi: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 14(01), 36–41. Retrieved from
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