TEKNOLOGI SEDERHANA PEMBUATAN PELET DARI LIMBAH KAYU (Simple Technology of Making Pelets from Wood Waste)

Wahyu Supriyati 1)*, Alpian1), dan Yanciluk1)


  • Administrator Journal


simple technology, pellets, wood, waste, energy


Energy demand increase following to population growth, high exploration costs, rising of the world oil prices
and the difficulty of finding sources of energy fossil. These factors result to the government of many country to
immediately produce alternative energy that is renewable and environmentally friendly.
Wood pellets are one source of alternative energy and the availability of raw materials is very easy to found.
The raw materials of wood pellet are in the form of waste of exploitation such as the rest of logging, branches and
twigs, industrial timber waste such as scraps, sawdust and bark, agricultural waste. Waste developed into one
products will result in higher economic value.
Simple technology of making pellets from wood waste is an alternative energy material to meet the energy needs
of the community. The opportunity to develop wood pellets as fuel is very wide open because of Indonesia's forest
potential and the large of forest product waste, both from timber industry and.waste.from.exploitation
Keywords : simple technology, pellets, wood, waste, energy


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How to Cite

Journal, A. (2019). TEKNOLOGI SEDERHANA PEMBUATAN PELET DARI LIMBAH KAYU (Simple Technology of Making Pelets from Wood Waste): Wahyu Supriyati 1)*, Alpian1), dan Yanciluk1). Agrienvi: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 12(01), 54–58. Retrieved from https://e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/aev/article/view/276
Abstract viewed = 139 times

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