Author Guidline

Manuscripts Submission

Manuscripts and cover letter may be submitted to the Online Journal System ( at see Tutorial.

 General Instructions

  • Manuscripts must be written in Bahasa or English. Pay attention to the consistency of language in the writing and the grammar.
  • Format manuscripts for A4 (21 x 30 cm) paper.
  • Number all pages sequentially.
  • Number all lines in the text beginning on the title page
  • Use Times New Roman 12 pt font. Use italics only for scientific names.
  • Use only left margin justify. Indent the first sentence of all paragraphs.
  • Double-space throughout, including title page, abstract, literature cited, tables, and figure legends.
  • Leave at least a 2.5-cm (1-inch) margin on all sides.
  • Use metric units of measurement.
  • Manuscript template of research article can be downloaded here

Title page information

Concise and informative, yet not overly general. Use the same language as the main text. If appropriate, include the species or ecosystem that was the subject of the study, or the location where the study was done. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. Title (Bold, 14 pt, Center, not more than 20 words).

Author names and affiliations Author name and affiliation, mark with superscript numbering 1,2, etc. of different author affiliations.

Corresponding author, mark with superscript asterisk “*”, this would be used to mark the email address of the corresponding author, above the all author affiliation

Abstract and keywords

A concise and factual abstract is required and must be written in Bahasa and English (maximum length of 100-250 words). The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods used, the principal results and major conclusions.

Provide maximum of 5 keywords, using the same language as abstract. Avoid using multiple concept and plural term (e.d. ‘and’, ‘of’). These keywords will be used for indexing process.


Introduction a provide the background information, previous references related to the main topic, reason, purpose of the research, and the novelty of research. This is the essential part for the readers who do not familiar with the topic. Adapted references in INTRODUCTION is minimal 2010-2022, except in taxonomy study.

 Materials and Methods

Elaborate your method clearly such as the data gathering, processing, and analysis to answer the declared questions. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Provide statistical analyses for questions related to differences (one sample to multiple samples tests) and relationships (correlations and regressions), instead of merely observing the differences or relationships based on graphs.

 Results and Discussions

Results should be clear and concise. The result should provide analysis, appropriate figures, tables, and statistical test outputs to support the answers.

The discussion should explore the significance of the work. Provide clear discussion by interpreting and connecting your results with related key findings from published literature. However, avoid extensive citations and do not over-discuss the result of the published literature.

If appropriate, Results can be written in a separate section from the Discussion. This is especially if the Discussion is extensive and includes all the Results of the study.


The main conclusions of the study should be presented in a short Conclusions section which stands alone.


Address appreciations to people who play the main role in the research, such as the research sponsor and those who assist the research process (institution or individual). Provide information about funding by including specific grant numbers and titles.

 Supplementary data

Supporting data / information for online publication can be submitted in separate file of the manuscript.


Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules.


Please embed the figures in the text with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Separate figure files in JPEG or PNG formats can be supplied if it feels necessary. Ensure that each figure has a caption. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the figure. Keep text in the figure themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.


Graphs must be supplied in figure formats. The fonts of the graph must be clear and readable. Black and white graphs are preferred.


Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. All manuscripts should be formatted using the American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA 7) citation style. APA 7th edition citation style file for reference manager (Mendeley, Zotero, etc.).


Campbell, N. A., & Reece, J. (2010). Biology. Benjamin Cummings Pearson.

Crosetto, N., Mitra, A., Silva, M. J., Bienko, M., Dojer, N., Wang, Q., Karaca, E., Chiarle, R., Skrzypczak, M., & Ginalski, K. (2013). Nucleotide-resolution DNA double-strand break mapping by next-generation sequencing. In Nature methods, 10(4), Nature Publishing Group.

Flynn, A. J., & Klepadlo, C. (2012). Two new species of Photonectes (Teleostei: Stomiidae) from the Indo-Pacific, and a re-examination of P. Achirus. Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 69, 259–267.

Latifah, R., Suhermiatin, T., & Ermawati, N. (2017). Optimasi Pertumbuhan Plantlet Cattleya Melalui Kombinasi Kekuatan Media Murashige-Skoog dan Bahan Organik. Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 59–62.

Ningrum, W. D. A. (2016). Shoot Induction and the Expression of Dendrobium Orchid Homeobox 1 Gene with Peptone Addition in the in Vitro Culture Medium of Dendrobium lineale Rolfe Orchid. Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Whittle, C. A. (2016). The influence of environmental factors, the pollen : ovule ratio and seed bank persistence on molecular evolutionary rates in plants. J Evol Biol., 19(1), 302–308.

Yang, X. (2014). Scale-Up of Microbial Fermentation Process. Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 669–675.

Zulwanis, Setiari, N., Gutierrez-Marcos, J., & Semiarti, E. (2020). The expression of AtRKD4 transgene during induction of somatic embryogenesis in transgenic dendrobium phalaenopsis Orchid Carrying 35S::GR::AtRKD4. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2260.