
  • Ceisy Nita Wuntu Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Tini Mogea Universitas Negeri Manado



Training Management, Human Resources


Human resources cannot be separated from training activities in an organization or company. Human resource training is required for all organizations and institutions because almost everyone recognizes that the success of an organization or company is heavily reliant on the human resources that manage it. Employees require training in order to improve their abilities, knowledge skills, motivation, and behavior. Human resource training is critical in today's modern era of development because employees' formal education is insufficient to meet the demands of jobs and positions in organizations and companies. Furthermore, putting human resources on the job does not guarantee that they will understand their roles and responsibilities. New human resources frequently feel insecure and unsure of their roles and responsibilities in the organization or company where they work. As a result, new employees should receive training that includes an introduction to corporate culture and values, regulations, and policies, as well as their primary tasks that support the achievement of the organization's or company's vision and mission. Human resources who lack self-confidence are less likely to fulfill their duties and obligations fully, particularly in educational institutions. Furthermore, human resources professionals who have long worked in organizations and companies require training to improve their skills, insight, and motivation in assisting the organization's vision and mission.




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How to Cite

Ceisy Nita Wuntu, & Tini Mogea. (2023). THE IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING IN IMPROVING ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. ENGGANG: Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, Dan Budaya, 3(1), 247–253.
Abstract viewed = 44 times

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