Author Guidelines

Instructions for the Journal of Peat Science and Innovation (JPSI) Articles Contributors

  1. Articles written for the Journal of Peat Science and Innovation (JPSI) include the results of thought and research results in the field of Biological Sciences; and Biology Education and Learning. The manuscript is typed in Arial, 11 pts (11 points), 1.5 spaced, printed on A4 paper, left margin 4 cm, right 3 cm, up and down 3 cm, as long as a maximum of 30 pages, and submitted in soft form - copy. The file (file) is created with Microsoft Word.
  2. The name of the article writer is listed without an academic degree and is placed under the title of the article. In the case of a script written by a team, the editor only deals with the primary author or author whose name is listed first. The author is recommended to include an e-mail address to facilitate communication.
  3. Articles are written in Indonesian or English in essay format. The article title is printed in capital letters, with a letter of 16 points. The section title rating is expressed by different font types (all section headings and sub-sections are bold or bold & italic), and do not use the numbered numbers in the section title: (1) Title of Article; (2) Chapter of Article; (3) sub-section of Article
  4. Systematic Manuscript of articles the result of thought are based on the BiosciED Journal Template.