UJI DAYAHAMBAT EUGENOL DARI DAUN CENGKEH HASIL FRAKSINASI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN JAMUR PATOGEN Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Cubense Eugenol Inhibitory Test From Clove Leaf Fractionation Of Fungal Patogen Growth Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense, Juniawan1)


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CLEO, fractionation, Foc, in vitro test and LC50


This study aims to determine the inhibition of eugenol derived from fractionation clove leaf essential
oils (CLEO) on the growth of pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) and LC50
(Lethal Concentration 50). This research was in vitro, started with purification of clove leaf essential
oil, fractionation by vacuum distillation and bioassay. In vitro tests include exploration of minimum
inhibition and preventability tests. Data were analyzed with Microsoft Excel 2010 program. The
results of minimum inhibition showed at 218,75 ppm concentration of each level was able to inhibit
the growth of Foc fungi. The minimum inhibition exploration was carried out at 218,75 ppm, 109,38
ppm, 54,69 ppm and 27,34 ppm. Exploration results showed that fractionated CLEO has been able to
inhibit the growth of Foc fungi at 27,34 ppm in the amount of 15,60%. This concentration is used as
the lowest concentration in the inhibitory test. Furthermore, the inhibitory test was carried out starting
at the highest concentration of 218,75 ppm, 109,38 ppm, 54,69 ppm and 27,34 ppm. Observations
were made for 7 days after inoculation (DAI). The results showed the best inhibition was at a
concentration of 218,75 ppm at 90,70% and LC50 at 11.17 µL.
Keywords: CLEO, fractionation, Foc, in vitro test and LC50


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