KAJIAN KONSENTRASI INOKULUM RAGI TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA DAN BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT TEMPE KACANG GUDE (Cajanus cajan, L) (Studi on Chemical Properties Yeast Inoculum Concentration and Lactid Acid Bacteria of Pigeonpea Tempeh)

Suparno1), Kusumadati, W.1), Giyanto1), Winerungan, S.A.J.1)


  • Administrator Journal




Concentration of the inoculum, lactid acid bacteria, and tempeh pigeonpea


Generally, tempeh is made from soybean, but low production of soybean in Indonesia bringing on
government have to import its. Soybean import 70% approximated from United State constitute
transgenic soybean which apprehensived have negative effect for health. Indonesia has so many
local legume such as pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). That could be used as soy bean
substitute as raw material of tempeh. This study aimed to determine the effect of inoculum
concentration pigeonpea beans right to quality and chemical properties of lactid acid bacteria
tempeh produced during the fermentation proces. It can be concluded that the inoculum
concentration of 2,50 g/kg of material, can increase levels of the amino nitrogen of 1,582 %, and
can inhibit the growth of lactid acid bacteria. It is also recommended for further research conduced
on the long soaking, soaking place, and fermentation time is right to improve the quality of
pigeonpea beans tempeh produced.
Keywords : Concentration of the inoculum, lactid acid bacteria, and tempeh pigeonpea


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