POTENSI SISTEM PERTANIAN ORGANIK DALAM KONSERVASI MUSUH ALAMI HAMA DAN SERANGGA NETRAL PADA TANAMAN SAYURAN DI LAHAN GAMBUT (Potency Of Organic Agricultural System In Conservation Of Natural Energy And Different Environment In Vegetable Plants In Grave La

Melhanah1 , Supriati, L.1 , dan Saraswati, D1


  • Administrator Journal




organic vegetables, natural enemies, neutral insects, pests, peat


The purpose of this research is to know the potential of organic farming in the conservation of
natural enemies of important pests and neutral insects on the ecosystem of sweet corn and long
bean vegetables in peatlands Kalampangan Urban Village Palangka Raya. The study was
conducted on an area of 210 m2, divided into 12 plots planted sweet corn and long beans with
organic and conventional treatment. Observations were made at 2-8 MST. Samples were taken
using sweep nets (for canopy arthropods), pitfall traps (for ground surface arthropods) and light
traps (for nocturnal arthropods). The results showed: organic vegetables potentially developed in
the effort of conservation of natural enemies and neutral insects with indicators as follows: 1). The
number of insects found in organic and conventional plots consists of predators (84.11%),
parasitoids (8.49%) and neutral insects (7.40%); 2). The predator species richness in organic long
bean plants is higher than conventional (R = 2.711 and 1.811). The predominant predominance of
sweet corn and long bean organic plants is Gryllidae (C = 0.331), Formicidae (C = 0.465) and
Miridae (C = 0.109); 3). The richness of parasitoids and neutral insects in organic sweet corn is
higher than conventional (R = 1,265 and 1,193). Types of parasitoids and neutral insects
dominating organic and conventional vegetables are Braconidae and Scarabaeidae with values
0.444 and 0.423.
Keywords: organic vegetables, natural enemies, neutral insects, pests, peat


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