EKSPLORASI BAKTERI PELARUT FOSFAT DI LAHAN GAMBUT BERENG BENGKEL, KALIMANTAN TENGAH (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Eksploration in Peatland Bereng Bengkel, Central Kalimantan)

Krestina, W.1)


  • Admin journal




Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, peatland, soil bacteria


The high availability of organic compounds in peatlands is stored capital and can be converted into
elements by soil microbe. The high organic content causes nutrients in the soil cannot be directly
utilized by plants. Phosphate solubilizing bacteriaare soil bacteria that capable
ofsolubilizingphosphate, turns it into an available form in the soil. The aims of this research are to
discover the existence of a phosphate solubilizing bacteriagenus and obtain potential pure isolates
from Bereng Bengkel peatland, Central Kalimantan. Bacteria isolation usingselective media
Pikovskaya with pour plate method. The isolation results are five phosphate solvent bacterial
isolates (BPF1, BPF2, BPF3, BPF4, BPF5) which form hallozone. Based on the characterization
results refering to the Bergey's Manual of Determinative of Microorganism through macroscopic
observation, microscopic observation and physiological testing. BPF1 and BPF5 isolates were the
genus Rhodococcusgenus, BPF2 isolates were theRhizobiumgenus, BPF3 isolates were the
Micorococcusgenus, BPF4 isolates were the Serratiagenus
Keywords: Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, peatland, soil bacteria


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