Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education <div style="border: 1px #308EF1 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #a9dcf2; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: <a href="">Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education</a></li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: Journal Compound</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: June and December</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <a href=";1367812275&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2338-4042</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <a href=";1596099878&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2747-0091</a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: Dr. Misrita, S.S., M.Hum.</li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: <a href=""></a></li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Palangka Raya</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><img style="margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 15px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px gray; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="150" height="213" /></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Journal COMPOUND publishes articles reflecting contemporary issues in English education, encourages original points of view, fostering research that supports teaching, fostering creativity in curriculum design, and engaging our students in work-related learning</p> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <p><strong>Indexed by:</strong></p> <p><a title="Google Scholar" href=";user=tviT8voAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="150" /></a></p> </div> Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Palangka Raya en-US Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2338-4042 THE NEEDS OF YOUNG LEARNERS FOR DEVELOPING E-BOOK FOR TEACHING ENGLISH-SPEAKING SKILLS <p>Speaking English is one of the most significant communication skills that one is required in digital era of the 21th century. Therefore, it is necessary to develop speaking skill earlier for young learners who learn English at elementary school. This article reports a survey to explore the needs of young learners at elementary schools who learn English in digital era. The research subjects were four teachers of English and 258 students of the fourth grade at elementary schools in Palangka Raya. The research instruments are developed in the form of an interview guide and a questionnaire using google form for collecting data concerning the needs of young learners in learning English. Percentage and qualitative description are employed to expose the survey outcomes. The results are used the basis later for designing and developing an e-book of English (based on local content) for young learners who are learning English at elementary schools in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan.</p> Ruth Nova Mandaria Elanneri Karani Joni Bungai Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 1 7 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3040 STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD ENGLISH ONLINE LEARNING DURING COVID-19 NEW NORMAL <p>The COVID-19 new normal struck and almost paralyzed all countries including Indonesia in terms of social and economic activities. At present, the Indonesian government has imposed warnings and prohibitions on leaving homes, working, or going to school. Many schools and universities around the world are closing down. The Indonesian government decides a distance learning system using online learning. Online learning is playing a crucial role during this COVID-19 new normal, it aims to help instructors, schools, and universities facilitate student learning during periods of universities and schools’ closure. This research aimed to know the students’ perception toward English online learning on intensive English course for the first year students at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin during COVID-19 new normal by applying descriptive qualitative method. Seventy-four students were chosen as respondents of the research taken from four groups of 92, 93, 94, and 95 of the first year students’ academic year 2020/2021 of Intensive English Course at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Questionnaire was used to collect the data and the data were calculated in percentage. The result indicated that the most students are interested in online learning. Online learning is considered to be more fun and flexible. Therefore, it was proven that the students had positive perceptions on English online learning during COVID-19 new normal.</p> Fikri Fuadi Azmy Bahing Bahing Wahyuningsih Usadiati Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 38 47 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3045 INSTAGRAM AS THE ONLINE TEACHING PLATFORM OF SPEAKING <p>Speaking is considered as an important skill to be mastered by students in terms of communication need. However, speaking is categorized as a difficult skill to teach. Moreover, on this crucial situation of covid 19, the process of teaching and learning is conducted at home or called online learning. Therefore, it is important for the teacher in selecting an appropriate media for teaching speaking. Instagram platform can be selected by the teacher for teaching speaking. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive, and the data collection is interview and observation. This article aims to elaborate clearly the step of online teaching speaking by using Instagram platform. The result showed the step of teaching speaking are (1) allow the students to open their Instagram account, then let them to watch some videos on the wall of Instagram or in the live story. (2) asking the students to speak one by one based on the video their watched. For example, a students to watch video about share experience, so the students should also speak for telling her experience, and give them limit time to speak. (3) give correction towards the students related to how to pronounce correctly. (4) ask the students to make some groups consist of 3 students. Then, teacher giving time to them to plan what they want to tell about their experience. (5) make video and share it on the instagram. However, Before starting to make the video, the students should make script of the topic they spoke.</p> Juniar Tiurma Uli Silalahi Indra Perdana Maria Arina Luardini Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 15 23 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3042 TYPES AND REASONS OF CODE-SWITCHING IN TEACHING PROCESS OF THE ELEVENTH GRADE TEACHERS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN PALANGKA RAYA <p>The research was a descriptive qualitative research with the aim to analyze the types and reasons that caused the teachers in three schools with different accreditation to deliver the materials apply code-switching in English classes. The data were taken from the teachers of the eleventh-grade class from three schools based on A, B, and C accreditation, i.e. by interviewing the teachers and doing class observation. Result of the research showed that all of the three teachers applied code-switching in the class. The types of code-switching that they used were (a) inter-sentential code-switching, (b) intra-sentential code-switching, and (c) tag-switching. It was also found factors that caused the use code-switching in the English teaching process, they are (a) talking about a particular topic, (b) repetition used for clarifications, (c) softening or to strengthen request or command, and (d) because of real lexical needed. Types of accreditation did not show any difference in the teachers’ use of ode switching.</p> Muston Nasib Martua Sitohang Wahyuningsih Usadiati Elanneri Karani Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 24 31 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3043 THE USE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR APPLICATION TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ WRITING IN RECOUNT TEXT AT SMAN 1 TANJUNG <p>The objective of the study aims to effect examining of English Grammar Application for improving the students’ writing in recount text in the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Tanjung. The research applied quantitative approch and used pre experimental design. The population of this research students of X class consist 202 students of SMAN 1 Tanjung in academic year 2021/2022 and the Sample was X LM of English (Lintas Minat). And the sample research was taken as the sample using stratified sample. The data was collected by using written test. To analyze data, the researcher used the formula t test and effect size as procedure of analyze data. The result of this research showed that the research conducted effect size formula. The research got 0.9. this is the value of effect size level. Refer to the table of interpreting of effect size. This value 0.9 was &gt; 0.5. so the effect size of using English Grmmar Application in learning Recount text has strong Effect.</p> Risa Masdania Kartika Bina Misrita Misrita Indra Perdana Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 32 37 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3044 STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD ELECTRONIC EXTENSIVE READING MATERIALS BASED ON BANJAR STORIES <p>At university education level, Extensive reading is an course that taught at third or fourth semester. The material for this course should be easy and interested, because the students should enjoy everything they read. However, in this crucial situation of pandemic covid 19, the process of teaching and learning extensive reading is conducted in online mode to avoid the spreading of corona virus. Thus, the lecturer need an materials that support the online learning. Developing an Electronic instructional material is an solution to solve the lecturer’s problem in teaching and learning of extensive reading. One of step in the developing the materials is implementation, in which the students will give their response about the e-instructional material.Conducting this research is for explaining the students’ perception towards Electronic Extensive Reading Materials Based Stories of Banjar. This research done at fourth semester students of Lambung Mangkurat University. Quantitative with design survey applied as the method of this research. The questionnaire is instrument used to obtain the data.The result revealed that most of students respond positive towards this Electronic Extensive Reading Materials Based on Banjar Stories . They agree that it is interesting and flexible to use. It means this E-instructional material is feasible to use as an reference for supporting extensive reading course.</p> Vebrianti Umar Indra Perdana Ristati Ristati Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 8 14 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3041 TEACHER’ PERSPECTIVE OF ENGLISH MATERIAL FOR TOURISM INDUSTRY PROGRAM IN SMKN 4 SAMPIT <p>Vocational High School was designed to prepare the students to be ready to work after they graduate. In Vocational High School, students must have an appropriate competence based on their major. English becomes very important in this school since most of jobs in the workplace put English proficiency both written and spoken. Giving materials in Vocational High School must be appropriated to the students’ needs for their work place future. Module becomes one of effective media in teaching learning, the statement above was strengthened by Mayer’ theory in Lasmiyati (2014) stated that module is relatively short self-contained independent unit of instructional designed to achieve a limited set of specific and well-defined educational objectives. This research aimed to analyze the students’ perspective toward implementation of ESP module for Tourism Industry students in English teaching learning. This research was a qualitative descriptive, the online interview sheet that form of google form used as a research instrument in collecting data. The data analyzed qualitatively by explaining the result descriptively. The findings showed that the English book used in SMKN 4 sampit was too general. And the English teacher who tough in Tourism Industry Program found difficulty of English teaching that related to the English materials. The next finding showed that, the English skills were most be needed by the Tourism Industry students were speaking and writing. And the result suggested that the English materials in Tourism Industry Program in SMKN 4 Sampit sould be developed based on syllabus used and students’ needs.</p> Nikmatus Sholichah Bahing Bahing Ristati Ristati Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 48 51 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3046 NEED ANALYSIS IN DESIGNING ENGLISH MATERIALS FOR SENDRATASIK STUDENTS <p>In the process of English teaching and learning at Sendratasik Education Study Program of Lambung Mangkurat University, general English was given and the available English material so far did not include local content of arts related to the students’ needs and interest in their own major. This article aims to present the results of need analysis of English language teaching materials for Sendratasik Education major students at Lambung Mangkurat University based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by Hutchinson &amp; Waters (1991). They were expected to be used for developing English materials for students majoring in Sendratasik to cater for their needs in learning English in accordance with their specific major. The data were collected through a questionnaire uploaded in Google Form to be responded by Sendratasik Education major students of Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. The data obtained were calculated in percentage and the result was analyzed qualitatively. The results might be significantly useful for designers of ESP for they reflected the real needs of Sendratasik Education major students.</p> Revina Kamila Ristati Ristati Wahyuningsih Usadiati Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 52 58 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3047 NEED ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF LOCAL CONTENT FOR DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS FOR GRADE VIII STUDENTS OF SMPN 3 KATINGAN KUALA <p>Students read texts to improve their English reading skill. In this case, students really need English reading texts to help them comprehend the local content according to their environment. This study applied a descriptive-qualitative method and to collect the data questionnaire was distributed to the students of Grade VIII of SMPN 3 Katingan Kuala as the respondents. The obtained data were analyzed using percentage. The results of this study indicated that students really needed English reading text materials containing their interest and needs of the local content to improve their reading comprehension.</p> Agus Kurniawan Wahyuningsih Usadiati Misrita Misrita Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 59 64 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3048 AN ANALYSIS OF ONLINE LEARNING SPEAKING AT INTENSIVE ENGLISH CLASS DURING COVID-19 <p>The objective of the study aims to analyze the implementation of online learning speaking and the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous learning modes at Intensive English class at Languages Development Unit in UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The research applied qualitative approach. The participant of this research was the second group of Intensive English Class. The data was collected from observation, interview and questionnaire. To analyze the data, the researcher used descriptive analysis. The results showed the implementation of online learning at Intensive English class during Covid-19 has been quite effective even though it takes a lot of effort to adapt for both the instructor and the students. The advantages from online learning such as more flexible to learn, train the student become more independent in learning etc.</p> Rizki Nurwahyuni Natalina Asi Maria Arina Luardini Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 65 71 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3049 TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT TEACHING ENGLISH AT DIGITAL AGE TO YOUNG LEARNERS AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN PALANGKA RAYA <p>Teaching English to young learners might be of importance as they are in their golden age; their brains are still flexible so that they are able to learn anything, including language. The objective of the survey research was to find out teachers’ perceptions about the teaching of English to young learners at Elementary Schools in Palangka Raya at digital age 2020/ 2021.The research subjects were five English teachers at Elementary Schools in Palangka Raya. The research instruments were developed in the form of interview and a questionnaire using Google form for collecting the data needed. Description and quantitative were employed to expose the survey results. The results of the study were used to determine the perceptions/opinions of teachers about teaching English to young learners at elementary schools during the covid 19 pandemic in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan.</p> Awelma Stefhany Wahyuningsih Usadiati Misrita Misrita Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 72 77 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3050 THE USE OF YOUTUBE VIDEO BY NON-ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS FOR SPEAKING SKILLS <p>This study was conducted to investigate the use of social media especially YouTube by students the Non-English Major of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Palangka Raya. It was also to see the impact of using social media especially YouTube to improve their speaking ability. The study design of this study was descriptive qualitative. Fifteen students of the Faculty of Economics were selected as participants to speak in front of a hand phone camera with the topics already prepared. Five online meetings were done to know their progress. The Semi-structured interview was also done to collect the supporting data of deeper information needed. The result showed that the use of social media especially YouTube gave a high impact on the speaking ability of Non-English Major students as seen from their video and deep information from the interview. However, there was various resistance dealing with the efforts to increase their speaking ability, they are psychological factors (less motivated, not confident), environment factor (the relationship with their environment), linguistic factors (finding references, vocabulary selection, speaking style, and gesture). The use of social media especially YouTube might make the students feel easier in overcoming the various resistance to improve speaking ability.</p> Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 78 86 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3051 ERROR ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH USED IN PUBLIC AREA IN PALANGKA RAYA <p>The research purpose is to analyze the problem of errors in the English language used in public area in Palangka Raya. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method. The source of data in this research is from photos of written English language that had taken by the researcher from advertising billboards, place names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings in public area in Palangka Raya. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that English language errors in the use of spelling and word choice are still found on public area in Palangka Raya. These English language errors can occur due to several factors. The factors that cause English language errors are the influence of the English language that was mastered first, inappropriate English language teaching, and the lack of understanding of English language users towards the language they use. In addition, weakness, lack of attention, and fatigue are also factors that cause language errors.</p> Rensi Sisilda Maria Arina Luardini Natalina Asi Copyright (c) 2021 Journal Compound : Improving the Quality of English Education 2021-06-30 2021-06-30 9 1 87 91 10.37304/jcp.v9i1.3052