Kualitas Papan Semen dari Partikel Bamban (Donax canniformis)
Quality of Cement Board of Bamban (Donax canniformis) Particles
The aim of this research is to determine the influence of mixture rasio of cement/bamban particles on the quality of the cement boards. This research was conducted by four mixture rasio cement/bamban particles (w/w) that was 1.25/1, 1.5/1, 1.75/1 and 2/1. Bamban particles was immersion on hot water (boiling at 100°C) for 3 hours to remove the extractives compounds. The mixture ratio between cement and bamban particles was compressed for 1 hour at a pressure of 30 bar, followed by manual pressure (clamping) for 24 hours. The physical and mechanical properties of cement boards was conducted according to SNI 03-2104-1991 for wood-wool cement boards. The results of the study show that mixture rasio cement/bamban particles has a very significant effect on the quality of the resulting cement boards.
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Mahdi Santoso, Gimson Luhan, Apri Wijaya Putra, Eva Oktoberyani Christy, Yosefin Ari Silvianingsih, Yanciluk, Chartina Pidjath

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