About the Journal
Tropical Forests Journal is a journal that focused on the science and technology of tropical forestry and also all aspects concerned. Tropical Forests Journal has printed-ISSN 1693-7643 and online-ISSN 2656-9736. Tropical Forests Journal has been accredited rating 4 Decree Based on the Decision of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 72/E/KPT/2024 regarding the Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals for Period I of 2024 dated April 1, 2024. Tropical Forests Journal is managed by Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University.
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Preliminary Study of Wood Quality of Plantation Forest of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell with Oil Heat Treatment Heat Modification Technology Studi Pendahuluan Kualitas Kayu Hutan Tanaman Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell dengan Teknologi Modifikasi Panas Oil Heat Treatment (OHT)
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The Structure of Vegetation Communities Surrounding Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Trees in the Natural Laboratory Area of Palangka Raya University Peatland Ekostruktur Vegetasi di Sekitar Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) pada Kawasan Laboratorium Alam Lahan Gambut Universitas Palangka Raya
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Visitors' Perception of Madapangga Nature Tourism Park, Bima Regency Persepsi Pengunjung Terhadap Taman Wisata Alam Madapangga, Kabupaten Bima
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Kawui Wood Quality Test after Five Years Storage Uji Kualitas Log Kayu Kawui (Vernonia arborea Burch Ham) Setelah Masa Simpan Lima Tahun
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Design Of Soil and Water Conservation Techniques on Different Types of Land Use for Landslide Mitigation in Giritengah Catchmen Area Rancangan Teknik Konservasi Tanah dan Air Pada Berbagai Tipe Penggunaan Lahan untuk Mitigasi Bencana Longsor di DTA Giritengah
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Physical Properties Characteristics of Corn Cob and Wood Dust Waste Biobriquettes Karakteristik Sifat Fisis Biobriket Limbah Tongkol Jagung dan Serbuk Kayu
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Analysis of Pest and Disease Damage in Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) and Meranti Tembaga (Shorea leprosula Miq) Stands in Palangka Raya City Analisis Kerusakan Akibat Hama dan Penyakit pada Tegakan Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) dan Meranti Tembaga (Shorea leprosula Miq) di Kota Palangka Raya
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Assessment Of Soil Erosion Vulnerability Level Based on Spatial and Field Survey In Tewah Sub-District, Gunung Mas Regency Central Kalimantan Province Kajian Tingkat Kerawanan Erosi Tanah Berbasis Spasial dan Survei Lapangan di Kecamatan Tewah, Kabupaten Gunung Mas, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
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Influence of Temperature Humidity Index (THI) and Visitor Perception on Visiting Interest in The Mangrove Bale Ekowisata Area ff Jerowaru Village East Lombok District Pengaruh Temprature Humidity Index (THI) dan Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Di Kawasan Ekowisata Bale Mangrove, Desa Jerowaru Kabupaten Lombok Timur
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Study of Rattan Potential in the Community Forest of Tumbang Habangoi, Katingan Regency Kajian Potensi Rotan di Hutan Desa Tumbang Habangoi Kabupaten Katingan
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Quality of Chopstick Products Made from Wood Waste at UD. Akselerasi Palangka Raya Kualitas Produk Sumpit Dari Limbah Kayu Pada UD. Akselerasi Palangka Raya
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Implementation Of the Green Open Space (RTH) Policy at Giri Menang City Park Implementasi Kebijakan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Di Taman Kota Giri Menang
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Local Wisdom of the Dayak Ngaju Community from Traditional Agricultural Systems for Family Income in Buntut Bali, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Dayak Ngaju Dari Sistem Pertanian Tradisional Untuk Pendapatan Keluarga di Buntut Bali Kabupaten Katingan Kalimantan Tengah
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- Journal Title: Tropical Forest Journal
- Initials: jht
- Frequency: Issued 2 times a year in June and December
- Print ISSN: 1693-7643
- Online ISSN: 2656-9736
- DOI: 10.36873
- Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi, MP. IPU.
- Publisher: Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University, Indonesia.
- Address: Secretariat of Tropical Forest Journal, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Palangka Raya University, Yos Sudarso Street, Tunjung Nyaho, Palangka Raya 73111, Central Kalimantan
- Phone: (0536) 3227864 - 08125042765 - 081521560387 - 08112647787
- E-mail: jhtrop@upr.ac.id