TEKNOLOGI SEDERHANA PEMBUATAN BRIKET ARANG DARI LIMBAH INDUSTRI MEBEL (Simple Technology of Making Charcoal Briquettes from Furniture Industry Waste)
Alpian, Wahyu Supriyati, dan Yanciluk
https://doi.org/10.36873/jht.v13i1.286Kata Kunci:
waste, furniture industry, charcoal briquettes, energy, householdAbstrak
Waste of the furniture industry activity was not yet utilized optimally. When it developed
became a produce, it has higher economic value. The potential waste of this furniture industry
can be utilized as raw material for making charcoal briquettes as a source of energy. Charcoal
briquettes are charcoal wood that is altered in shape, size, and density by means of pressing a
mixture of charcoal powder and adhesive material. Simple technology of making charcoal
briquettes from furniture industry wastes made can be developed to utilize the potential waste of
the furniture industry as an alternative energy from biomass to sufficient household energy
Keywords: waste, furniture industry, charcoal briquettes, energy, household