IDENTIFIKASI DAN INTENSITAS SERANGAN HAMA PADA ANAKAN SENGON (Paraserianthes falcataria (L).Nielsen ) DI KAWASAN HUTAN DENGAN TUJUAN KHUSUS TUMBANG NUSA KALIMANTAN TENGAH (Identification and Intensity of Pests that Attack Sengon Saplings in the KHDK Tumba

Syariffudin 1), Eritha K.Firdara 2), Patricia E.P. 2)


  • Admin JHT


Kata Kunci:

Description of sengon, pests attack


Selection Sengon on an industrial scale is an appropriate choice to be prioritized for the
Development of Industrial Plantation Forest (IUPHHK-HTI). In 1989 Balai Besar Selulosa
(BBS) in Bandung have researched pulp sengon derived from wood raw material for newsprint
and other printing papers such as copier paper. Forest areas with special purpose is designated for
the purpose of research and development, education and training as well as cultural and religious
interest of the local, in accordance with the mandate of law No. 41, 1999 without altering the
function of the area. Sengon known by the botanical name as Paraserianthes falcataria,
including in fabaceae family. Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) can grow on poor soils and a
little nest, dry soil, wet, or rather salty. The purpose of this research is for identify and knowing
the intensity of pests that attack in puppies sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) at the nursery in
KHDTK (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus) Tumbang Nusa, District of jabiren Central
Kalimantan.This Research was conducted in the nursery area located in Kawasan Hutan Dengan
Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK), Tumbang Nusa, District of jabiren Central Kalimantan for three
months. The object being observed in this research is puppies sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)
which is in the area of the nursery with 3600 puppies sengon in the seedbed and seedling pests
that attack on sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria). Results of the study show the identification of
pests that attack pests sengon saplings in the nursery area for research there are two kinds of pests
are locusts and caterpillars. The frequency and intensity of pest attacks are 0,25 % and 0,18%
with the level of damage including healty criteria. So the amount of frequency and intensity of
attack in puppies sengon are 0,25% and 0,18%.
Keywords : Description of sengon, pests attack


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