SIFAT FISIKA DAN MEKANIKA PAPAN SEMEN PARTIKEL DARI LIMBAH KAYU ALAU (Dacrydium spp.) DENGAN BERBAGAI RASIO BAHAN BAKU DAN TINGKAT SUBSTITUSI GYPSUM (Physical and Mechanical Properties of Particle Cement of Dacrydium sp. Wood Waste With Different Raw Mate

Grace Siska1 , Sarinah1 , Gimson Luhan 1 Sinta Marito Sinaga2


  • Administrator Journal


Kata Kunci:

Particle cement board, physical characteristics and mechanics


Using round wood as a raw material of the product the less available day. Various efforts are
made to utilize wood as a raw material of a product, such as using waste from wood processing
industry. The purpose of this research is to know the quality of alau (Dacrydium spp.) wood
particle cement board and to know the effect of cement substitution with gypsum on the physical
and mechanical properties of alau particle board (Dacrydium spp.). Research design used
Factorial Random Design (RAL) factorial, with 2 factors pattern, namely factor A (cement ratio:
particle) consist of 3 levels i.e. a1 (75% cement + 25% particle); a2 (80% cement + 20%
particle); a3 (85% cement + 15% particle), factor B (gypsum substitution rate) consists of 2
levels i.e. b1 (5%); b2 (10%). The research results indicate that the physical properties of density
(with an average value of 1.47 g / cm3) and moisture content (?16%), and thickness development
(17.47%) all meet the standards, whereas water absorption does not have value on JIS standard
5414-1992. The result of testing of the mechanical properties of bending conformity (MoE)
meets the standard, and the fracture conformity (MoR) that meets the test standard is 10%
gypsum substitution (b2), while internal sticking (IB) there is no requirement of value in standard
JIS A 5414-1992. Comparison of the ratio of raw materials and substitution of gypsum
significantly influence the physical and mechanical properties of cement.
Keywords: Particle cement board, physical characteristics and mechanics


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