SIFAT FISIKA MEKANIKA PAPAN SEMEN PURUN TIKUS (Eleocharis dulcis) PADA BERBAGAI PENGERAS (The physical and mechanics properties of mouse purun cement board on various hardeners)

Renhart Jemi1 , Yusurum Jagau2 , Yanetri Asi Nion2 , Trisna Anggreini2 , Ria Anjalani2 , Dessy Natalia Koroh1 , Endra Cipta3 , Apri Wijaya Putra4 , Krisna Wahyu4


  • Administrator Journal


Kata Kunci:

Purun, cement board, hardener, hydration and MoR


The research objective was to determine the properties of physical and mechanics of mouse
purun cement board on various hardeners. The cement board was processed with a size of 30 cm
x 30 cm x 2 cm, a ratio of 3: 1, a density of 2 g / cm2
, purified water content of 15%, hardener
Ca(OH)2, CaCl2, MgCl2 with a concentration of 2%. Before making the cement board the
hydration temperature test is carried out, then the resulting board is tested for the physical
properties of the mechanics. And the grave test for 3 months. Data averaged and SD then
tabulated and written in graphical form. The results of the study were hydration temperature:
31.38-33.50oC, inhibiting factors: 6.94-10.19%, board water content: 13.55% - 15.77%; density:
1.07-1.16 g / cm2; MoR: 22.96 - 30.31 kg / cm2, Compressive strength: 0.84 - 3.34%.
Conclusion: Mouse purun can be processed into cement board. The good nature of the cement
board is to treat CaCl2 2% hardener.
Keywords: Purun, cement board, hardener, hydration and MoR


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