Tingkat Pembukaan Kanopi Hutan Akibat Kegiatan Pemanenan pada Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia (Opened Forest Canopy Caused by Forest Exploitation Using Indonesian Selectice Cutting and Planting Silvicultural System)



  • Admin JHT



Kata Kunci:

degradation, diameter, harvesting, equation


Forest exploitation (harvesting) on the production forest management using silvicultural
system of Indonesian Selectice Cutting and Planting (ISCP) has been conducted since
1989. This research was aimed to analyze forest degradation in the form of opened forest
canopy that be caused by harvesting using ISCP system. The research was located at the
working areas of 2018 at PT Gunung Meranti forest concession. Research samples
namely 30 trees, they were divided into 6 diameter classes i.e. 41 to 50 cm, 51 to 60 cm,
61 to 70 cm, 71 to 80 cm, 81 to 90 cm dan 91 cm up. Each diameter classes was
compiled into 5 trees. Research result show the equation of opened forest canopy which
caused degraded forest that be analyzed using tree diameter, i.e. Y=24,472+0,4428X (R2
Keywords: degradation, diameter, harvesting, equation


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