Kwamentara: Kwartet Ornamen Nusantara Sebagai Media Apresiasi


  • Iwan Pranoto Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Ediantes Ediantes Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang



Kwamentara, Quartet, Ornamen, Media, Art


Values education through art education is an activity that specifically aims to instill certain values, such as religious values, moral values, and aesthetic values in the form of learning to appreciate and create art. In its application in formal schools, planting local cultural values can be done explicitly by providing interesting and fun media for art appreciation for students. One of them is kwementara, a quartet card containing ornaments in the archipelago, students are expected to appreciate ornamental objects in which there are noble cultural values of the nation. The method used in this research is research and development (R&D) which is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of products by going through the stages of product development. In this section the use of cards as media can provide interesting information in the process of developing creativity, so that the learning process will be in demand and liked by students both formally and non-formally, in making this learning media attention and ability are needed in creating new motifs in a visual element, so that every composition and layout when carrying out the design process needs to be considered, so that the feasibility of this learning media work must pass several trials and validations so that it can be used. In its application, the kamentara card is used in formal, non-formal and informal learning activities, so that in daily activities students can use it as a medium for playing and learning in appreciating the ornaments of the archipelago.


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